Chapter 15

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(AN: omg shell shocked is on my SPOTIFY right now im so motivated!!!)

As Raph and the others were out fighting her former family, Alexis had cried herself to sleep. She groaned and stirred, having blurry nightmares.


She woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare she and looked at the time. 5:30pm. She widened her eyes.

"I slept for 8 hours." She whispered to no one.

"Yup." She heard Raph grumble. She looked at him.

"How did it go?" She asked. He sighed.

"Well I didn't die. Sorry." He glared.

"W-what? Sorry?" She whispered. He stood up and towered over her

"Don't act innocent. You nearly killed me two years ago. Now you're back to finish me off." He growled. She widened her eyes.

"No! Raphael I love you!" She defended herself.

"You expect me to believe that?!" He yelled, punching the wall. She whimpered as she cried softly.

"B-baby please--" she was interrupted by a hard punch to her face. She screamed. "Raph!!!" He pushed her against the wall roughly, his hands around her neck tight.

"I'm NOT letting you have the satisfaction!" He growled. He didn't want to do this. He loved her. His anger took over him, and he couldn't regain control.

Alexis' POV


The next thing I knew, Raphael had his hands around my neck, choking me. I gasped for air.

"P-please- can't b-breathe-" I tried to scream. He just tightened his grip. I was starting to see black dots in my vision. "P-please--" I gasped as everything went black.

Normal POV


"Oh my god Raph!!" Donnie yelled. Him and Leo yanked him off of Alexis and Mikey picked up her limp body. Raph was breathing heavily, staring at her in disbelief and regret.

'Oh my god I'm a fucking monster...' he thought.

"GO TO THE DOJO AND COOL OFF RAPH!" Leo yelled. Raph huffed and stormed off to the dojo, pissed at himself of course. Donnie checked Alexis for a pulse.

"I feel a pulse but its very slow." He sighed.

"'I-is she breathing?" Mikey asked, in the verge of tears. Donnie put his head to her chest and nodded.

"Yes but it's also very slow." He picked her up and took her to the lab.

"D-Don..--" she gasped out quietly. Donnie looked down.

"You're gonna be okay, Alexis." He promised. She coughed and went limp again. He set her down on the table.

"Stay with us Lex, you'll be okay I promise." Mikey whimpered. "I love you, big sister." he kissed her forehead as a tear fell from his eye onto her face.

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