Chapter 32

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Ryder's P.O.V

"Ariana, please stay awake. Don't go." I cried, I just confessed me liking her, she can't go. She just can't. She'll be fine. She'll be fine. Minor injury. She'll be fine.

But what if she isn't.

I ignored my stupid subconscious and stayed focus on Ariana. Her eyes were getting heavy.

"Ryder." I heard her whisper my name.

"Yes, I'm right here, princessa." At this point I was seated on the rusty floor, holding Ariana close.

"I.. I'll be o-okay, ri-right?" She questioned, I could tell she tried to stay focus, but couldn't. She is not going to die.

"Yes, your going to be alright. You can't leave your knight and shining armor, right?" I tried lightening up the mood and I gave myself a mental pat on the back, when I saw that Ariana gave me a small smile.

"Never. But you are suppose to save my ass," She said, and she looked a bit more better. But then she winced in pain.

I was about to respond back, but then I heard a bang coming from outside of the room. And then I heard more shots fire. I looked down at Ariana, and she looked more weaker. She's losing blood.

Then I heard the sirens and the police busted the door open.

The paramedics came and carried Ariana and then Megan out with the beds. Fuck, Megan. I rather have her rot in hell. She shot her best friend. Some best friend, she was.

They took John and hand cuffed him. I walked out of the room, following the paramedics.

When I stepped outside, the sky was gray, no clouds. Just pure gray. It matched my mood perfectly. I saw the ambulance and the paramedics lifting Ariana, who was laying down with an oxygen mask covering most of her face.

I ran to them and was stopped by one of the police officers.

"Son, where do you think your going?" The gray haired man in the uniform asked me.

"I need to go with my girlfriend and make sure she's okay. Now if you'll excuse me." I snapped and continued to jog over to her.

When I made it close enough to her, one of the guys gave me a weird stern look, but noticed my facial expression and focused more on Ariana.

"We need to go, we're losing her." One of the older paramedic guys said who looked about 30. He seemed the oldest one there. My heart dropped when he said those words. And I knew one thing I needed to do.

"Can I please ride with you guys, she's my girlfriend." I pleaded. I wanted to be with her through everything.

Two of them gave each other a glance and both nodded in agreement. I jumped into the back of the white van and sat beside Ariana's body. She looked more paler. I grabbed her hand and flinched back.

Their cold. Way too cold for a human to bear.

No she's still alive. She's going to make it. She's not dead.

I grabbed her small frozen hand with my larger warmer one. And I kissed her knuckles, gingerly.

She'll be okay. Was my only thought, until I finally saw the hospital, we arrived at.

They rushed her to the emergency room. I begged them to let me in, but they stood their ground and told me to go wait in the waiting room.

Her parents were on their way, and I was pacing back and forth around the small room. Trying to persuade myself that she'll be okay. My hands kept going through my hair and I bet now my hair looked like a bird nest.

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