Chapter 42

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Friday morning.

Oh, how I love Fridays. Friday's are like the cherry to the week. If that even makes sense. Friday is the day before the weekend begins. The beginning for a 2 day break from most of things in our daily lives that we usually do on the weekdays. Yep, let's just say I don't think anyone hates friday.

I did my regular routine. You know same old, same old. Today I just decided to wear tight dark jeans and my California sweater, that had California written on it in cursive. It's a light grayish color and is more than just comfortable. But along with that outfit, I wore my gray converses.

I decided to just let my wavy hair down for today, not much I really want to do with it.

But right about now, I'm actually walking up to the building of my school. Walking up the stairs and checking my phone for timing before I enter. It's exactly 7:55am. School starts at 8. 5 minutes early. At least I'm starting the day off in a good start. I retrieve my phone back into my bag, before walking in. As I walk in, my head is down and as usually I hear noises all over my surroundings.

But I choose to ignore it as usually, of course. But then as I'm walking up to my locker, I hear something from the intercom.

"All seniors please report to the auditorium immediately." Then it goes off.

Probably another speech about college or how we should be prepared for the real world and finals. I shrug mindlessly and start heading to the gym.

On my way there, I feel an arm over my shoulder.

"Ello, darling." I look up and see Derek with a goofy smile plastered against his lips.

"Hello,Derek." I respond back with a chuckle.

"You know, you could've just went along with it." He mutters, obviously talking about the whole British greeting. But I can see the smile tugging against his lips and know for a fact he isn't serious about it.

" I know, but its more fun killing your British vibes." I say and stick my tongue out.

"So cruel,woman." He scowled playfully.

"I am not cruel, your attempt on talking British is just plain awful." I say and continue to walk into the auditorium or gym.

" actually, the ladies love my accent." He winks and motions me to two empty seats.

"Name one." I smirk. And take a seat on the bleachers. I just pray that this whole assembly or whatever is, won't be long. The bleachers are a pain in the ass. Literally.

The hard bench hurts like hell when you sit on it for too long.

I see familiar faces entering and see Tiana and her blonde bimbos enter as well. Pushing and shoving everyone out of their way. Like she's the damn queen and her friends are just tagging along. Their too dumb to even figure out that Tiana doesn't even truly like them as friends. She's always talking about how stupid they are. Or how slutty they dressed. Or how too big they are. And if your wondering how I know these things, it's because maybe I have done some eavesdropping before.

I know I know, you're not suppose to do that. But I just couldn't help it. She was off talking about during bathroom breaks. I was in the stall when it happened. And no, I didn't get caught.

But anyway...

The whole point is Tiana is a person that is not worth trusting. Duh. Just pointed the obvious.

But either way, her "friends" still enjoy her company and what not. They do whatever she says and when she says it. There goes your queen. I'm still wondering who died and made her the ruler. Last time, I checked the queen of England was still alive.

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