Chapter 22

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"Princessa, what are you doing? Its 2 in the morning." I could hear Ryder's voice while I was in the kitchen.

Let's just say I was getting a midnight snack. I was hungry this late, sue me. After me and Ryder talked about what we were going to do about the whole 'John killing me' thing, it was pretty late.

After a few moments, I didn't hear Ryder but then I felt someone's presence behind me. I turned around and my poor face collided with Ryder's hard chest.

Again, why does my face always gets the damage done? The world will never know. I looked up and met two brown long lashed eyes. Damn, no wonder girls are all over him. I mean just look at his perfect sharp jawline, his high tone cheekbones. His straight shaped nose.

His lips. Gosh he's lips were the killer. They were so plumped and full. They looked so soft and smoothed. Everything about Ryder was perfect. His attitude just made me unlike him but he's features were beautiful.

Really Ariana? Calling a guy beautiful?

Sorry, that's the only word that came to mind. I mentally rolled my eyes.

Ryder broke the silence.

"Can I take you somewhere?" He asked gently, not once moving away or breaking eye contact.

"Its 2 in the morning, and a school night." I smirked still staring into his eyes.

"Let's skip school for once. Please, it really can't wait." He pouted, and let me just say it was the most cutest thing I've ever seen. I sighed and nodded in agreement.

Let's just hope its worth skipping to school for.

He smiled and grabbed my hand, I felt the electric shock but then it turned into warmth. His large hand overlapping my small ones.

I smiled because Ryder was actually holding my hand. I know I sound and feel like a 13 year old with her first time crush. Just shut it and let me enjoy this moment. Thank you.

We both walked out and I know what your thinking ' Ariana Martin the good girl running off with Ryder Perez the bad boy at 2am' but let me just clarify one thing. I was never a totally good girl in the first place. Good and respectful at times, yes, but I can still have fun too.

We got into his Red Camero and as I sat on the passenger seat. I closed the car door and Ryder turned on the engine. I heard the purr of the car go. And I decided to turn the radio up. The song You Da One By Rhianna came on and I couldn't help but sing along.

We were still driving for about 20 mins. And the people on the radio station were talking. The car ride was filled with comfortable silence until I saw trees and longer road with no cars.

Not this again.

I groaned and hit my head on the back of the door in the process.

"What's wrong princessa, don't want to go to the woods again." Ryder smirked his eyes never leaving the road.

"Please don't tell me your gonna take me to another stupid party."

"Its a surprise." I wish I could smack that stupid smirk off his face. I'm hardly even dressed for a party. Hell its freaking Tuesday morning who has a party this late.

And then we finally stopped near another area with woods, I got out of the car and stepped outside. I looked up to the sky and realized it dark but the moon was shining down on us.

"Come on." Ryder grabbed my hand into his large ones and guided me to whatever place he was taking me.

I felt like we've been walking for centuries but I did notice on the way that there was an owl. How extraordinary. Sarcasm right there.

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