Chapter 2

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So let me explain some things.

My name is Ariana Martin.

I have brown eyes and brown hair. I know right, how simple of me.

I'm short. Like really short. My height is 5'2.

I'm 17.
Yes I know 17 and that height. Sue me.

My hair is long. Really long. Past my butt long.

I'm not sure when I'm even going to cut it.

I'm a senior :D

I only have 2 best friends.

Derek Matthews and Megan Fitts.

Now here's the part where I tell I'm not your typical high schooler. Nor am I a nerd like those cliquish books. I'll admit I make good grades, A's and B's. But.. I LOVE to read.

like reading is my life..

I want to be a writer one day. I actually want to be able to write a book and sell copies of it. Like author wise.

Anyways, my dream is to actually get accepted to NYU (New York University, if you didn't know)

And here's another thing... I live in a small town in Florida. Yes its very small.

So me getting accepted to NYU is really fantastic.

So anyways, I live with my parents, who are happily married and lawyers. I get along with them. Really well.

I have a 4 year old brother named Toby. He is so adorable, but don't let him fool you, he's evil. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He got the good genes.

Now my best friends are very different.

Derek's in the football team, attractive, funny,smart, etc. He's popular. He gets invited to parties and all. He's tall with blonde hair and blue eyes and very fit.

Now Megan is completely different from me.

Whereas i am very plain and boring.

She's different. She's gorgeous with her blue eyes and long brown hair. She has a thin frame, but she's slightly curvy. Guys fall for her, a lot. She likes to party and have fun and well.. I already explained myself.

We are polar opposites but still manage to be best friends.

I love my best friends to death even if we have our differences, we're similar in some ways.

Let me tell you about our school, its close to cliquish.

You heard me., we have your jocks, your stoners, your nerds, your wannabes, and we can't forget the important one of all (note the sarcasm) your queen bitch.

Tiana Lakers is the queen bitch.

She has her minions everywhere with her.

She's gorgeous and slutty. She has bright blonde hair (obviously she dyed it) and gray eyes. She wears the most sluttiest clothes ( I don't think sluttiest is even a word). She's rude and thinks pretty high of herself. Again. Queen bitch. How clique. All we need is a bad boy to come in and there you have it.

A cliquish high school.


Derek and I were going to our lockers before 1st period, so we went our separate ways and said our goodbyes.

I was walking to my locker when I started to hear people gushing about something.

I couldn't quite hear them. It was mostly girls. They looked pissed or somewhat jealous. I was confused.

I ignored it and kept walking to my locker when I first spotted what the mad girls were gushing about.

There, leaning on my locker was Tiana and this unfamiliar boy.

She was against my locker, arms around the unfamiliar boy's neck. She was kissing him, intensely like a mad woman.

From the side I could see that the boy was attractive, very attractive. He had his arms wrapped around her thin waist.

Watching them make out was fucking disgusting,
Again pardon my French.

But seriously! 

Nobody wants to see 2 people trying to get their tongues down each others throats.

Finally, after a min or so passed.

I finally had the urge to tell them to move, but before I could say anything. They stopped kissing and looked at me.

"Staring much," Tiana mocked, raising one perfectly waxed eyebrow.

"Oh yes because I loved watching you two eat each others mouths, now if you'll excuse me, I need to get to my locker", I told her matter-of-factly.

"Listen nerdy bitch---, " Tiana was cut off by the bell ringing.

Oh shit, I'm late for class.

Tiana huffed and walked away.

I quickly unlocked my lock. Got my books I would need and shut my locker with an accidently slam. I winced on how loud that was.

I turned around to be meet with that attractive unfamiliar guy again.

He smirked.

"Someone seems rushed," He said.

Picture of Ariana. Up there.
Love ya,

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