Chapter 7

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"Ryder, what are you doing here," I asked quietly after his parents entered my house and greeted my parents.

"Well... Obviously, our parents work together," He says matter-of-factly.

He stepped passed me and was walking the direction our parents were headed.

"You coming or your just gonna stand there and drool," He smirks.

Now that I take notice, Ryder is wearing a button down dark blue shirt, the cuffs are folded. With dark tight jeans. And black converse.

Damn, he can make a simple outfit look hot.
Wait... What. Okay I seriously need to stop this 'checking out' process.

Finally I break from my weird faze and continue to follow Ryder to the dinner table.

Our parents were already seated and so was Toby. But then I notice a little girl who looked about the size of 3 sitting right next to him.

She has light blonde hair and brown eyes, her face is round with rosy cheeks. To say the least this must be Ryder's younger sister.

As if reading my thoughts, Ryder whispers in my ear, "That's Taylor, my little sister".

I only nodded in response, and sat down in the seat across the 2 little children, who seemed in a very 'serious' game of rock, paper, and scissors.

Of course, Ryder just had to sit next to me.

"So, Ariana, is it?" The lady, I am assuming is ryders mother asks politely.

"Yes, ma'am, I didn't quite catch your name," I respond back.

"Helen," She says and gives me a bright smile.

I nod in response.

I'm not really socializing, as you can see.

For dinner, we had spaghetti, and pasta salad, and rolls. Everyone drunk wine, except Taylor and Toby, they drunk apple juice.

Then while eating my spaghetti, I felt a pinch on my elbow.

I look up to find Ryder giving me an amused look.

"You look like a caveman, who hasn't eating shit for years, but that dress makes you look hot. So you look like a hot caveman," Ryder whispers in my ear.

In response, I smile and pinch his thigh as hard as I can.

"Shut it, grasshole," I say and return back to my food.

After dinner, the adults went to the dining room, that was the sign that meant they wanted us out of their hairs, so they could discuss alone.

"Where to now, princessa," Ryder asks with a bored expression.

I shrugged in response. I honestly didn't know where to go.

My room? No he'll probably think I want to fuck him.

Backyard? Nah too cold outside.

Living room? I guess its the next best thing.

I started walking to the direction of the living room, when I was pulled back.

"No we aren't going to watch endless television, let's go out," Ryder demands.

I was hesitant at first. But then thought what the heck do I got to lose? There's nothing better to do here anyways.

I nodded and replied with an 'okay'.

Ryder looked surprised for a second, guessing he didn't think I would agree so quickly.

" What? You thought I would decline again," I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Its just something you've been doing lately," He shrugs and takes my hand to lead us out.

I ignored the firing sparks that came in connect with our hands.

We told our parents we were going to a friends house and they seemed to not even pay much attention as they sent us a way with a wave.

"Be home, before 10 and make sure to use condoms, " My mother yelled.

I could feel my cheeks burn, matter of fact I could feel my whole face burn! What kind of mother yells out inappropriate comments.


Ryder burst out laughing, and since his house was across from mine. We walked to his car and got in. I buckled up, and turned on the radio.

The song No Type by Rae Sremmurd came on. And I couldn't help but sing along.

I'on got no type, bad bitches is the only thing that I like

You ant got no life, cups with the ice and we do this every night

In all honestly, I knew my voice sounded like a horse running on diarrhea. But that song, right there ladies and gentlemen's, is my song.

Ryder looked over at me, while starting the engine with an amused expression.

"So you know the song," He asked sounding somewhat impressed.

"Oh please, I practically know the lyrics backwards," I lied.

Okay,  fine I do tend to mess up a lot, but hey I know most of it.. Don't judge me.

"Ha! Sure I believe you, if that helps you sleep at night, princessa," He smirks and drive.

"Ugh, just tell me where are we going," I ask demandingly.

"Its a surprise," He says and continues to look straight ahead.

"Well, unlucky for you, I hate surprises, so just tell me," I plead.

He shook his head in response.

I groan and hit my head on the window.

Ryder must have seen it, because he let's out a chuckle.

After 10 mins of comfortable silence, I see we pulled near a forest. And at this point I see no more cars, and its darker outside.

"Please, don't freaking tell me, your gonna murder me, I'm too young to die! Hell I haven't even reached my goals that I planned! Ryder, I swear if you even try to murder me, I'll chop off your balls and shove them up your-- " I was cut off by Ryder's hand over my mouth.

"You ramble too much, and in all honestly princessa if I wanted to murder you, I wouldn't bring you to a forest to do so, that seems to movie-like, I would murder you when you least expect it to happen," He smirks and let's his hand fall from my lips.

"So why are we here?" I ask in curiosity.

"Follow me," He responds.

And so my stupid ass opens the door to follow him.

And then it hits me.

I hear music.

Loud pounding music and as I follow Ryder.

I look more closely, at our surroundings.

"Princessa, welcome to your first legit high school party," He says with a clap and proud smile.

I look up at his tall figure, and say,"you have got to be fucking kidding me".

Hey guys, well I think this chapter was long.
Hope you enjoy ,
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