Chapter 25

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"Ariana," I heard Derek say my name. I turned around and gave him a small fake smile. I guess he bought it because he smiled back a bit. But then he cleared his throat.

"Look, I have to go, I'm heading back to class, do you want to come with me?" He asked scratching the back of his neck, nervously.

Why is he nervous? I have never seen Derek this nervous with anyone, not even when he starts flirting with girls. He's all smooth and collected. But now he looks like one of those boys that stutter when he speaks to his crush.


"Um no I'm fine, I can't. I have to take care of Toby. Remember he's sick." I chuckled to ease his nervousness a bit. It seemed to work because he looked more like the old Derek that I knew.

He nodded his head and said his goodbyes. When I heard the front door slam shut and a few mins later, I waited to hear the engine of his car turn on, meaning his leaving.

I went up the stairs and I could feel the note burning through my sweatshirt. I walked into my room and grabbed the other note that John sent me last night or late morning. Whatever you'd like to call it. And it feels like he sent it about a few days ago but really it was just last night.

These months that I have spent with Ryder or when Ryder started to come to my school, I realized a lot has happened in just, what, a month? It feels like its been 3 months.

But the point is a lot of things has happened and I've been so stressed out with everything that has been going on. I've been caught up with everything that I realized I hardly spend time with Toby. I barely see Derek or Megan. Their my best friends, and now I feel like they've turned into just a friend. I miss both of them so much. But then another thought occurred to me.

I can't let them get into this situation with John. He'll probably kill them both, or even torture them, just to get to me. That's who he wants.


He even said he'd kill my loved ones. My parents, Toby, my best friends.

And I know I'm not over thinking when I think about the possibility of just giving up. Just to save everyone else. I should just let him have me. But wouldn't that hurt my loved ones even more. Sacrificing myself, to save them.

But that's the right thing to do, isn't it? Maybe I don't know. My brain is starting to hurt a bit from all these thoughts running through my mind. I huffed and unfolded the two anonymous letters that I know John sent me. Obviously he's the only one who always called me Adriana.

I reread both of them twice. He won't give up without having me. But this time I know he'll kill me. His going to take advantage of me and then kill me.

I groan and lay myself down on my bed. I rub my eyes due to the amount I kept rereading the paper. Why couldn't he just pick some other helpless girl? I'm not that pretty.

It felt like I've been laying here for centuries when I heard my phone vibrate. I picked it up from the desk I have near my bed and unlocked the home screen.

Its a text from Megan.

From Megan:
Heyyy babe, you okay? Sorry I couldn't message you earlier. I was busy.. Anyways after school I was wondering if you wanted to go get some food? My treat. Text me back whenever .

To Megan:
Hiii, lol and yeah sure, what time do you think you'll pick me up?

I texted back and not less than a min pass that I hear my phone vibrate again.

From Megan:
How does 4:30 sound? I have some things to do after school. Okay with you?

To Megan:
Yeah sounds fine, see you later.

I checked the time on my phone and it was already 1:07.

I got plenty of time to get ready. I rubbed my temples because I felt my head ache a bit. I got up and went downstairs to get something to drink. I grabbed a cup from one of the upper cabinets and poured water in it . I checked on Toby and he wasn't in the couch any longer.

I felt my panic rise a bit.

"Toby!" I yelled. No response. I put the cup of water on the kitchen counter and ran up the stairs. "Toby!" I yelled again and entered his room. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that he was laying down on his bed. His covers were pulled up to his chin and he looked so adorable sleeping.

I walked back downstairs and got my cup of water and went back to my room. I drunk half of the cup down and it tasted kind of weird. I couldn't quite figure out what it was.

But then as I laid back down on my bed, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. And soon enough, I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

I know this chapter was short, but its because I'm so exhausted from studying and I'm really tired. I'll be sure to update tomorrow. :) bye babes.

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