Chapter 3

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"Um-- Yeah-- I-I need to get to class," I stammered stupidly.

I pushed past him and started my fast pace to my English 3 class.

Mr. Ramirez is gonna be pissed.

I opened the door to see everyone staring at me.

"Ms. Martin, so glad you could join us," Mr. Ramirez said giving me a pointed look.

"Yeah, sorry, sir, it won't happen again," I replied back staring at the ground.

He nodded in response and gestured for me to sit down.

I went to the front row since those were the only seats available.

He was explaining to the class about our next assignment.

We had to write an essay about War World 2.

The class groaned in response and I couldn't blame them. I didn't want to do this stupid assignment either.

He told us to start working on it during class and it was due this Friday. Great.

My other classes flew by quickly and finally it was time for lunch. I was starving.

I was walking to the cafeteria, when all of a sudden, something or someone was tackling me down. I fell on my face, and let me tell you something. That shit hurt like a bitch.

I was groaning when I felt them get off of me.

I got up and turned around.

There standing in front of me was none other than, Megan Fitts. And boy, did I want to punch her.

She smiled sheepishly at me," you know how much I love you right..".

"It didn't seem like it when you tackled me," I shot back.

She gave me that stupid puppy face and I instantly soften my face, since I knew I probably looked like a bull ready to attack.

She hugged me and I hugged her back hesitantly, I was still mad at her rough tackling.

"I'll be here all day, so please don't be mad, babe, I'll even pay your lunch and give you a ride home," She smiled genuinely.

"Ugh, fine you win," I groan and we started walking to the line, everyone waiting to get their food.

After we got out pizzas and fries with 2 cokes, we headed to our usually table near the window and also near the back entrance.

We sat down and started eating and devouring our food.

"So how was the dentist appointment," I asked.

"Not as bad," She shrugged.

We continued like that, just mindlessly chatting about classes and such.

And then Derek finally decided to join us.

"Hey ladies," He says with a smirk.

We said 'hello' and started talking about the essay in English 3 that we had to do.

"Hey, Ari you mind doing it for me," Derek said giving me the puppy face.

Gosh, what's up with everyone giving me the puppy face.

"No, do it yourself, I'm pretty sure you have a big enough brain to do so," I said sticking my to tongue out in the process.

How mature.

"No, he doesn't, we went to the doctor and they took x-rays of his brain, they said its about the size of a bean, and is shrinking more and more each day," Meg said laughing.

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