Chapter 1

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I wake up to my alarm buzzing.

It's another day at Crystal High, another boring day at Crystal High.

I hear my phone vibrate. I sigh and open the message.

Derek: want me to pick you up today? Megan won't be able to, she's going to the dentist today.

Oh shit, I completely forgot about that.

Me: yeah sure I'll be ready in 30 mins. See you then. Bye xo ;) lmao.

Derek: aight :) xoxo

I giggle to myself.

Don't get the wrong idea. Derek and I are not dating, nor will we ever be. He's one of my best friends, we are just really close, and no nothing like the way you are thinking.

After I get out of bed, I walk to my bathroom and quickly take off my clothes and turn on the shower. I wait for a few minutes for the water to get warm.

After it does, I step in and continue my regular routine just like every normal human who showers.

After about 15 minutes I get out, wrapping a towel around me and walking to my closet.

Deciding on leggings and a plain white tee with my old converse. It's getting colder, but nothing too major. We're just about to enter into October, so it's wonderful weather right now.

After I finished getting changed, I let my long wet hair be down for today, I don't feel like putting any effort into it today.

I apply some mascara and lip chap. Suddenly, I hear a honk outside of my window. My guess it would be Derek.

I hear my phone vibrate on top of my wooden desk.

Derek: I'm here, babe. Xoxo ;)

Me: I'm coming. I'm coming. Xo

I grab my bag, putting the most important necessities: phone, phone charger, and headphones.

I walk down the hallway and downstairs to find my little brother, Toby, eating animal crackers and watching Sponge Bob Squarepants

"Bye, Toby, I'll see you soon" I walk over to him and give him a peck on his cheek.

He says goodbye and continues to watch television.

Before I walk out, I make sure my parents are home. Opening the door to their room, I see a glimpse of them sleeping before quietly closing the door.

They are both lawyers and are usually not even home. However, there are days when they can sleep in and do their work later in the day.

I walk out of their room and head to the front door. I spot Derek's 1996 red mustang in my driveway.

He seems to be having a conversation with someone on his phone. Before I can hear his conversation, he ends the call. He unlocks the car door and I open it and slide into his comfy leather seat.

Man, how much I love his car.
I also need a car..

We drive in comfortable silence. Our school is only about 10 minutes away from my house so it gives us plenty of time to not be late. Our school starts at 8, giving us plenty of time in the mornings to get ready. We usually arrive here at 7:45.

After Derek finally finds a parking spot, we climb out of his car, and we make our way into the schools entrance. We walk inside the building,

Ugh let's just start this hellhole already

Hey,, okay so this is my first ever book I have legit wrote. Hope you like it.
Give it a chance please

Love ya,

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