Chapter 8

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"Does it look like I'm fucking kidding," Ryder raises one eyebrow.

"I'm not going into a house filled with sweaty high schoolers and drinks that could possibly be spiked, nope sorry not going," I replied back, turning back around to retrieve to the direction we came from.

"Nope, your going," Ryder says while grabbing me by my waist and holding a frim grip while we walked to the very big mansion.

"Why, I hate parties, all you do is grind nastily against each other and drink cheap beer, and then the next morning wake up to a hangover, what's so fun about that," I practically yelled.

He stops me midway and turns to face me, still his arms around my waist, holding me firm, like I'll try to escape.

If only I could, strong bastard.

"Look, sometimes its not all about the actual term of 'partying', its sometimes a use to get away from your problems, for one night you can live without thinking or regretting anything that happened in your life," He said, but the look in his eyes held something deeper.

I could feel like he was hiding something, just by the way his eyes turned solemnly sadder, but it quickly vanished into mischief.

"Come on, I'll even save you a dance," He winked.

I scowled at him in response.

"Ugh, fine but we stay for only an hour and then leave," I say while walking up the steps.

"Make it 2 hours, and you have a deal," He suggests.

"Ugh, damn our parents for being lawyers," I tease.

"I'll take that as a yes, now come on, the fun has just begun," He smirks.

We entered the house and just as I expected, sweaty, grinding kids, cheap beer and I forgot one more.

Hookups everywhere.

Bloody hell, won't this be fun.


4 cans of cheap beer, and 3 shots of tequila later....

I'm so fudging drunk. I can feel my body move with the music, I probably look stupid dancing like this, but oh well.

I lost Ryder awhile ago. He's probably banging another dumb bimbo. I can feel myself getting jealous over that thought. But to hell with it, I hardly know him.

As I'm dancing, I feel to hands wrap around my waist, and I look up to see a boy with a lip piercing, with 4 blue eyes.

I mean oops 2 blue eyes..

"Whats so funny," The unknown boy whispers in my ear, his voice sounds like melting pie.


Without replying back, I sway my hips side to side. And apparently I'm doing good, because the unknown boy grins widely. Also showing a bright white smile.

He leans down and starts kissing my neck intensely. I can hear my soft moans.

"Tell me what's your name," He whispers in my ear, afterwards biting my earlobe gently.

"Ari," I respond, but quickly turn around and I press my lips against his.

He tasted of mint and cheap beer.

For a min, I want to pull away, but my hormones were getting the best of me and I just pressed harder.

We break our kiss and he smiles widely.

I think kissing him, made me feel a little bit more sober. Now that I notice, he has black wavy hair that are just under his eyes. His lips look a little swollen from the kiss. And that lip ring.

God that lip ring looks hot on him

Okay focus, Ariana.

"The names Jack," He says still smiling.

I felt my head spin a bit. I need water.

As if reading my mind, Jack takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen and grabs a glass and fills it with water.

"Here drink, it looks like you might need it," He offers and accept quickly.

I drink the whole cup and already feel a little more better.

"So what brings a beautiful lady like yourself, to a type of party like this," He asks curiously.

"I could possible say the same to you, minus the beautiful lady part," I respond back.

He chuckles and nods his head,"Fair point".

"What school you go to," He asks after a mom of silence.

"Crystal High," I respond, reaching the sink to get another glass of water.

"Me too, how come i don't see you around often, I'm a senior, by the way," He states.

"Let's just say, I don't fit in the popular category," I say earning a grin from him.

"Sounds perfect, I don't honestly mind," Jack is still grinning when I look past him and see the boy I haven't seen since we came here.

Ryder Perez. And boy does he look pissed.

Okay, soooo I'm thinking of putting this story on hold and write a different one called Storm in Paradise. It will be good. But I'm not sure...
Ugh. Decisions. Decisions.

Well anyways Vote/Comment/Share.

Anyways love ya,.


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