Chapter 17

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Monday morning came a little bit too fast for me. The minute I heard my alarm clock ring, I knew I had to get up and do the usual routine I always did before school.

But today I really don't want to go. I don't want to face Jack nor Ryder. I rather just stay home and sleep all day in my bed. But my parents won't even allow it.

So, with a sigh I get up from my bed, and walk rather slowly to my bathroom. I strip down to nothing and turn on the shower. I waited till it got warmer than I would usually put it on. I step in, and already feel my muscles relax.

My weekend was not very pleasant. After staying in the shower for 5more minutes. Since I do take a shower for 20 mins usually. But today I feel like its gonna be an extra duty day. Like I'll take more time in everything I do. Now you see how stressful I've been.

Today, for me, felt like "dgaf" day, so I put on my gray sweatpants and my black sweatshirt. With my black mini boots I was good. I brushed my hair a bit, but then again, today I didn't care about my appearance so I just left it down.

I grabbed my bag and phone and headphones. And jogged down the stairs. I heard my parents talking and smelled breakfast. But today I don't feel like eating.

I waved a goodbye to them and Toby. Before I left, my parents gave me a concerned expression. I reassured them I was fine. I guess they bought it because they waved me off goodbye. Obviously I had to walk today. I didn't really want to bother Derek or Megan.

My house is only a few blocks from the school so it won't be too bad. Then that's when I heard it. I heard a car behind me. It honked at me once, and I had a feeling I already knew who it was.

I turned after I heard the second honk, and to my surpise, it wasn't him, it was Jack.

Oh my llamas.

He drove his black convertible beside me. And he rolled his window down.

"Let me give you a ride," He questioned but it came out more like a statement.

I only nodded because I definitely didn't want to walk all the way to school.

I got in his car, and his seats weren't as comfortable as Derek's or his. But it was something right. He drove in totally silence. I don't even know what kind of silence to call it. And I honestly don't even care.

Finally we pulled up to the school and after about 5 mins, Jack finally found a parking spot. He parked near the school. He stopped the engine, and I was prepared to bolt out of his car. But he locked it.

"About what happened, um Friday night." He said scratching the back of his neck uncomfortable.

"Yeah, look I'm sorry, I was drunk, and well you know what happens when your drunk right, " I shrugged, I didn't even know why I was apologizing, its not like his my boyfriend. I'm not sure if he even likes me. Megan thinks he does. But all I really did see him as a make out buddy.

Okay that came out wrong. I sound like a totally hoe, but that's the truth.. Isn't there a quote that says 'the truth will set you free'.

Anyways.. Jack looked a bit relief? What did I do that was so bad at that party?.

I was about to ask him, when he spoke first.

"Yeah, its okay, its just at the party, you seemed a bit off, I mean you were drunk but.. Its nothing. Never mind. It was stupid,"

I was about to say something like 'please emphasize the word "off" ' when I heard a knock on the window.

It was Derek. Gosh, have I missed my guy best friend.

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