Chapter 11

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Its Friday night, and guess who just happened to call me and demanded a girls sleepover.

Megan Fitts.

You see me and my best friends talk. And hang out, but I like to be more of a loner. Its more thoughtful? You can say.

But no. She literally called me up and demanded a sleepover, saying how we never hang out like we use to, and blah, blah, blah.

But since, I'm such a great best friend, I accepted the offer because we seriously needed some girl time. I needed to tell her everything about Ryder. And I mean everything. Start to the end. I don't understand these stupid emotions going through me. Its not right, but yet it feels right.

Okay I seriously need to see a doctor about my mind, because I feel like my mind is killing me.

After getting my parents permission(yes I still need to ask even if I'm old enough), I got out all the junkfoods you could name.

From every chip bag known to man, to every kind of sweet pastry and candy and most importantly ..... I ordered pizza. Lots of pizza.

I'm surprised I'm not even obese. How much I eat, I should weigh 400 pounds but no I weigh 138. Typical. Am I right or am I right.

I'm right.

After setting up all the drinks and junk foods, I collect some movies, romance, action, horror, and comedy, whichever would be great for tonight. We usually pick a movie category, that applies to our mood.

I'm feeling romance tonight.

That's because you want a certain type of romance with him.

Shut up, brain.

I hear a knock that breaks me from my deep thought, I jog downstairs and slide to my door. I open it and find my best friend that I desperately needed to hang with. I hug her tightly and she hugs me back with thin arms around me.

"I miss you, babe," She says with a pout after we stop hugging to walk up to my room.

Toby automatically runs up to Megan and hugs her legs.

"I miss you, Meg," My little brother squeaks.

"I miss you too, kiddo," She replies back, picking him up and hugging him, then gently kissed his forehead.

She put him down and followed me to my room.

She puts her bag down and jumps on my bed.

"Home sweet home," She says.

"Now we need to get ready," She says automatically getting up and going to her bag to get 2 dresses.

"Wait, wait, Wtf, I thought we were staying in," I said confused.

"No, we aren't, we are going out to that party that Jack has been talking about all week," She says rolling her eyes.

She hands me a black dress that is simple with sleeves that are a little below my elbows. The dress is pretty, but I'm not looking forward to partying again.

"Megan, no I don't want to go to another party after----

Wait! You already been to your first party!" She cuts me off by saying.

"Okay, maybe, but look it was a horrible experience and I rather not relive it." I say with a sigh and lay back down on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Your going, now get up," She pulls me up, she might look small, but this girl is strong.

I shake my head furiously. And say "nope, not going."

"Please!!!!" She whines and pulls on the puppy face that she knows I can't resist.

After a few moments, I finally give in.

"Fine," I groan.

She squeaks in excitement and jumps up and down.

"This is gonna be so fun, I promise you, and better yet Ryder will be there," She says and sends me a wink.

No. Fuck. Ugh. Of course he would be there, he's the bad boy, the player, he always attends a party.
Let's just see how well I can avoid him.

But something inside my gut is telling me, that tonight will be anything but good.


There, ooohhh let's see what happens..
I'm even excited about the next chapter.
Dress that Ariana will be wearing is in the box up there


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