Chapter 18

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And then that's when I heard the bitch herself let out a horse squeak. I covered my ears because it was one of the most disturbing squeaks I have ever heard.

Not even Megan's squeaks are this bad.

Besides the squeaks and now screams I hear, I couldn't see anything. I mean nothing at all, isn't is sunny outside? Why would the lights be out? Some jerk must have done it to scare us or some shit.

I tried the best of my ability to at least reach the door handle of a classroom but instead I met a hard chest connect with my nose. I flinched back, what did my nose do to deserve this tragedy? I mean it never did any harm. I looked up but again I couldn't see anything. So I spoke up.

"Who are you?" I asked and stepped back only to be met with another body.

Okay what the fuck is going on?? I feel completely claustrophobic.

Then when I was about to let a scream, the person behind me, I assumed, covered my mouth with a cloth. I could feel like I was falling, and my eyelids were becoming heavier. The lights were still off. But then I could feel myself getting sleepier and that's when I dozed off into more darkness.

*Ryder's P.O.V*

The moment I saw that the lights went off, I knew it was bad. Somebody must've triggered the lights, because there wasn't no type of thunder or cause of weather for the lights to go out.

I was still holding Tiana, she kept shaking, and I knew it was an act for me to "protect" her. Her loud shrieks made me want to let her go and find Ariana.


Damn it. Where is she? She has to be okay. Maybe somethings wrong with the system of the school. Yeah. That's got to be it.

But why do I feel like something terrible just happened? My instinct is definitely telling me there's something wrong with this. And it feels like it has to deal with Ariana.

I let go of Tiana, its too dark for me to see anyone. Did someone put something over the windows of the school? Because I feel like I've gone blind.

I was trying to touch at least the lockers, they could probably lead me at least to where Ariana is. She was here when me and Tiana were making out. I know she saw us too. And I felt a ping of guilt but why would she even care? I don't.

Just keep telling yourself that.

I mentally rolled my eyes at my own subconscious.

I kept walking mindlessly, until I felt someone jump on my back. Damn it. And that's when I heard the annoying shriek.

"Tiana, get the hell off of me," I practically yelled. She didn't weigh anything at all, but its not really the time for a piggyback ride. And who's knows where her legs been. I mean, yeah I make out with her, but that's it.

"But, babee, I'm scared," She whined and I bet she was pouting right now, trying to look cute but really she looked stupid as hell doing that stupid shit.

I pulled her off of me as gently as I could.

"Look, I'm trying to get to a classroom where there might be flashlights." I lied. And even if she couldn't see, I turned my heel and proceeded to walk blindly again.

That's when I saw a little bit of a shadow. And long brown hair falling, like she was being put down. I could see that much, because to my luck, there was a bit of sunlight showing through the covered window.

I tried to walk to her. I mean obviously it was Ariana, who else has that much hair. Not one single person in this school.

But I like it, its cute, and it even adds to her beautiful features on her face.

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