Chapter 30

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I hope I'm not going too fast on this story but I just really want to get over with it. I'm not sure when I'll be finishing it. Maybe in chapter 40 or 50. Not sure yet.


"Why that look?" He asked raising his eyebrows at me.

I wasn't sure if I should answer that truthfully though.

"What look?" I asked playing dumb.

He sighed and ran a hand over his hair," look you can make this easy for us or we can just do it the hard way."

"Just please emphasize more on the 'us' part." I said rolling my eyes. Am I seriously having a conversation with my kidnapper right now.

"I mean by Us. We should make it work," He smirked.

"Uh. No there is no us, never was, never will be. You really are obsessive and insane."

When he heard those two words come out of my mouth, he gave me a stern look and got up from his chair and took two steps in front of me.

"You still don't get it, do you?" His breathe was again fanning my face.

"Get what?"

He looked at me for a second and inched his face a bit closer to mine. His eyes were darker than before. He had a smirk on his face and he looked really scary at the moment.

"I can kill you right now, and nobody will hear your screams. I can make you disappear for the longest. I could even rape you, right now. Because your tied up. You can't defend yourself. Nobody knows where you're at. I have the control. And if you don't cooperate well, then I can do whatever I please." He said and backed away leaving me breathe less. And not in a good way.

"See you later, babe." He chuckled and walked out of the door behind me. I felt one tear escape and I really did feel defeated.

How am I going to get out of here. There's no possibly way. I'm duct tapped to a chair. I don't know my location. I don't even have connection to my family or friends.

I huffed in frustration.


The next, I think its been the third day, few days were hell. They barely gave me food or water. And I've been getting weaker, they've beaten me each day. I probably look like complete shit right now.

My head hurts like hell, from all the beating. I can't really see from my left eye, since they punched me. My hands are sore and so are my ankles, I've been tied up for the longest. It feels like I've been here for months.

I've also been crying lately. A lot. I can't help it. But I cry the most when they finally leave the room. I haven't seen John since that day we had our talk. Only his men, who I can barely see their faces, since they always have that black mask on.

Today I'm guessing is the fourth day, and I dread each day that comes. I just want to get out of here.


Ryder's Point Of View.

Where is she?! Its been four days since I last saw Ariana. Her parents and her two best friends are worried. They've connected the police the day she didn't come to school. I knew I should have given her a ride to school. But damn, I'm so stupid.

I have a very bad gut feeling about who she's with. And I haven't been able to sleep. I've stopped going to school these past few days, ever since her disappearance.

My parents, her parents, Derek, Megan, and me have been searching everywhere for her. We've tried contacting Jack, but looks like he's been missing as well. He's not at school, and whenever we call him, it goes straight to voicemail. That's weird.

I have to find her, though. I just have too. But I don't even know where to start.

"Maria, its okay, we'll find her, soon." Frank tried calming down he's wife. She's been having a hard time dealing with her daughters kidnapping. I don't blame her, though. So have I.

And why is that?

Because she's my friend. Duh. I mentally rolled my eyes at my subconscious.

Just keep thinking that, buddy.

I ignore my subconscious and try to focus on the real issue at hand.

My parents and I are at Ariana's house. We're sitting in the dining room, our coffee cups on the table, untouched.

Since our parents are lawyers, they've been looking up all the kidnappers from a few years back, that either have been released or escaped. But none. We've found zero.

"Mijo, why don't you go take a walk outside, to clear your head." My dad gave me a genuinely smile and I returned the gesture. I got up and left by the front door.

I started walking on the sidewalk, not sure where to go. But my dad was right, I need to clear my head. Maybe I can remember what Ariana told me that night about her uncle John? I think that's his name.

I'm pretty sure he was the one that took her, but I can't just tell her or my parents that. They'll need evidence. Evidence?

Wait... Oh shit how could I not remember! The letter that John sent her. I think she has it somewhere in her room. She at least has too.

I was about to turn back around when I felt something cover my mouth and pull me back. It was too late, I already inhaled whatever was in the cloth. My eyelids were getting heavier and then I no longer saw the blue sky filled with clouds. All I saw was darkness. 

I woke up with pain shooting to my temples. Damn, it feels like a bad hangover. Or possibly even worse. I tried looking around at my surroundings but saw only darkness.

Am I awake? I looked down and saw nothing. I tried standing up but I could feel something that was pressing down my feet and hands. Well I was obviously sitting on a chair. I could feel the hardcover seat under my bottom.

And suddenly my eyes felt like they were burning. I tried focusing more on my vision and when I did, I realized someone just turned on the lights. But.. Really just one light, it was on me.

I looked straight forward and saw the one guy I despised the most.

Jack... Dick.

Hoped you guys liked this chapter ❤. Vote/Comment. Sorry if there are any grammar errors.
Today is also my babe's birthday!

Happy birthday Harry Styles ❤❤❤. Lmao he is a total babe though.

Bye babes. ❤❤❤

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