Chapter 38

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"Where should I start.." He trailed off.

I was waiting patiently. I don't even think I was sure I wanted to hear this. It can be a bad thing or a good thing. And I'm hoping for the good, but come on, luck and karma have been a bitch to me.

"When I first came here, I was excited to come back to my hometown. The school, I really didn't worry about that because a lot of people already knew me and my reputation," He sighed and looked out the window, not meeting my gaze.

"I walked in the school, and there was definitely a lot of hot girls here. But Tiana was the most... Seductive one. She's so .. Confident. I think that's why I wanted her first. I knew I didn't have to worry about some shy inexperienced girl. And you know the rest about us making out on your locker," He turned and met my gaze for a minute and smiled but then dropped his head and his smile. And looked down at his hands.

"When I saw you and heard what you told us, I knew you were different as well. I'm guessing Tiana saw my interest in you. So we made a bet..." He took a deep breath in. And laid his head on the window.

"A-about?" My voice sounded a bit shaken up. I could feel the tears about to come. But I held them in as hard as I could.

"If I could make you fall in love with me and humiliate you afterwards, I'd get a huge amount of money. But if I didn't, I'd have to pay her as well... " He said and kept his head down.

So that's it. He was really using me. He was playing me this whole time. No wonder he tried getting me to hang out with him when he first came here. It all makes perfect sense. My breathing has definitely stopped and my brain isn't functioning right. Every moment we had was all part of something that was nothing.

I let out a small laugh, I probably look crazy. Laughing at a moment like this. Finding out that the guy I was starting to develop feelings for, was lying the whole time.

"Well, isn't that just fantastic," I chuckled, letting the tears fall from my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't dare look into them. I just stared blankly outside the window.

"Finding out everything was a totally lie, every single time we hung out was some type of role play," I smirked. I feel nothing. Just nothing.

"And do you want to know what's the best part about it all?" I said feeling nothing but betrayal.

I didn't wait for a response. I didn't want too. I just want to end this. End everything.

"That you judged Jack. Telling me to stay away from him," I chuckled and shook my head, tears were still flowing while I spoke but my voice never cracked," when really, all along I should've stayed away from you."

"Ariana." He spoke, reaching for my hand. But I shoved him away from me. Disgusting. That's the only word that I would describe him right now. Fucking disgusting.

"Enjoy the money. I hope it was worth it." I said and opened the car door, before he could lock it.

As if on cue, I felt drops of water fall from the sky. I didn't stop walking though. I wasn't even heading for the direction of the school. I was running, I didn't know where to, exactly but I knew I had to go somewhere. Somewhere away from Ryder, school, parents. Just everyone. Karma is a bitch. And I guess you can say reality slapped me pretty hard.

The drops of rain didn't stop. It was literally pouring and I was still running. I couldn't stop. My feet wouldn't stop. And I don't think I wanted them too either.

Why me? Why is this utter bullshit have to happen to me? Why did I have to have the back stabbing best friend? Or more like she shot me.

Why did Ryder have to choose me? Why did I have to get kidnap? Why did I have to fucking live this life that was literally killing me? Is all this a sign for me to just end it? End my life? I've always wanted to be a stronger person, always. But I just don't think i am.

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