Chapter 33

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Still on Ryder's P.O.V

After they took our blood, they patched us up and gave us a snack to not get dizzy. We went and sat back down at the waiting room.

I sat with my mom on the couch and Robert sat on the other end, we faced Ariana's parents.

"So.. How'd it go?" Maria asked me trying to make conversation.

I smiled at her kindness.

We both agreed it went well. And then we stayed silent. The only noise we heard was of the ticking clock on the wall. Ticking every minute passed. Its been 10 minutes but it feels like its been 10 hours.

Finally Dr. Marshall, I overheard someone call him that, came in and coughed, gaining our attention.

"Well, I have some excellent news." He started off. We waited impatiently for him to continue. When he didn't, it seemed like we all had enough of his silent pause.

"Well!" We all screamed. He flinched and smiled. What's wrong with this dude?

"Robert, I'm sorry you're blood is negative 2. But on the other hand, Ryder yours is negative one." He said and smiled again.

I'm pretty sure I was grinning to ear to ear at this point. I will actually be able to save her.

"We have just given her the blood and she should wake up in a few hours at the most." Dr.Matthews said. And he left us after that.

"My baby's going to be okay." Ms. Martin smiled and hugged her husband.

My parents hugged each other and their friends. And I just stood there, filled with happiness and I was a bit frightened.. What if when she wakes up, she rejects me.

And I don't think I can take being rejected by a girl in general. But she special. Special to me.

I sat back down, and leaned my head against the wall, waiting for the moment for Ariana to wake up, which will take hours. With that last thought, in my mind, I felt my eyelids getting heavier, and soon enough. I drifted into a dreamless sleep, anxious for when she'll wake up.


5 hours.

Its been 5 freaking hours.

I only slept for about 4 hours.

I'm still a bit exhausted but knowing that Ariana hasn't even woken up, convinces me that I can't go back to sleep. These uncomfortable chairs are making my back ache and my whole body feels stiff.

Everyone else is asleep.

I guess I'm the only one staying up for now. I huff and slouch even more.

20 minutes passed and I'm so tired of waiting. My patience is growing thin.

Then, as if God heard me, the door knob opened slightly. And I saw Dr.Matthews peeking in. He gave me a genuinely smile and I returned it. He motioned me with his finger to step out and follow him.

I obeyed and once we both exited out the waiting room. He finally spoke.

"She's awake." Those two words felt like a weight has just been lifted off my shoulders.

She's awake.

"Can I see her?" I asked.

He gave me a small smile and nodded.

"But shouldn't we tell her parents, also." The doctor asked.

Crap, I almost forgot about them.

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