Chapter 15

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"Where the hell ave you been, I was looking everywhere for you! Everywhere and when I finally spotted Jack,  you know what he tells me, he tells me that you left with Ryder! I mean come on Ariana, the look on that boys face was just pure sadness and hurt. You just ruined your chances with the--, I cut her off with putting my hand over her mouth, she licks my hand and I pull away in disgust.

Then I wiped her disgusting salvia on her shirt. She didn't even flinch. Fudging disgusting.

"Look, I was drunk, and Ryder so happened to take me to his house since I passed out, he even let me stay in his room for chris sa-" This time she cut me off with a squeak.

"Omfg! Ryder Perez the hottest senior in town, let you stay in his room!" She squeaked much louder this time. I covered my ears and just stared at this girl who's supposedly my best friend, she's so freaking bipolar, first she gets mad at me for ruining all my chances with Jack by leaving the party with Ryder. Then she gets ecstatic with me staying in Ryder's room. Either she's on her period, or she's delusional and crazy.

I think the second option fits her.

Once again shut it brain. Nobody asked for your bloody opinion.

I seriously think that theory of your own mind being your true enemy, or whatever it says is true. So thank you, whoever came up with that theory, because now I know who would be the first suspect of my murder.

If your dead, I'm dead, idiot

Shove it, bitch.

I need to stop talking to myself.

After breaking out of my own blank space, I see that Megan had just finished talking about something.

"Um, could you repeat that," I ask as sweetly as I could muster without getting yelled at.

"I said that last night was the second time I was scared and worried for you, I don't want what happened that night to happen again, and I'm just so--" I cut her off with just one simple hand raise. I can feel the tears welling up again just by thinking of what happened that night.

Why can't they just both forget what happened and move on? Just pretend like it never happened.

Because they don't try and run away from their problems, they embrace it.


Megan reaches over and hugs me tightly. My body can't even move, I'm feeling numb like I did that night. It changed me. But I can't just cry about it all the time now, I have to face it.

Over and over again. Like a bullet that never healed.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you--" I cut her off by saying,"let's just pretend it never happened and we never had this conversation, please."

She nods unto my shoulder and I pull away slightly. I don't like pity. Pity makes me feel even more weak and vulnerable and I hate it. I just want someone to understand. No pity, just understanding.

After a few moments of silence we just sat there, staring at nothing really. It wasn't even comfortable silence, it was just pure silence. Megan finally breaks it, by getting up and putting her stuff into her bag.

"I think its time for me to go," she says with nothing but a blank expression.

She walks out of my room and as a few mins passed. I hear the door open and then slam shut.

I check the time on my phone and its already 10am. Let me just sleep it off.

And that's what I did, I took off my outfit from the previous night, changed into sweatpants and tank top and laid on my bed with the covers pulled up to my chin. I laid there thinking and then not even a moment passed and I started to cry until I feel into a deep dreamless sleep.


I woke up at about 8 in the evening and I feel like I should just go back to sleep because honestly, what is life right now?

Let me just tell you, life is becoming shitty or maybe that's just my grumpy side speaking

But before I could fall back to sleep, I hear chatting downstairs, very loud chatty. Being the curious unicorn I am, I decide to go all Nancy Drew on this.

I tiptoe down the stairs, careful to not make a sound because these stairs can squeak easily with just one mistaken step.

As I get closer, I can practically hear the voices which I am assuming is coming from the kitchen.

"Frank, clearly your just taking this case a little too personal," I can hear my moms voice, seems like she's trying hard not to yell but I should probably inform her that I can hear her squeaky voice all the way up the stairs.

My father sighs and I bet you a dime, he's running his hands through his gray hair.

Yep that's just how much I know of my dad, and I usually do that also when I'm nervous or frustrated.

"Look, Maria, I'm just saying we should probably get some more information about the suspect, I mean it could really help us win the case over," My father explains not even minding that his voice is louder than my mothers.

"I'm sorry, Frank but I can't do this with you neither can Helen and Robert, they both agree on my behalf, and I feel like you should too," My mother says sounding even more stressful than before.

"I'm doing what's right, I don't care if he's part of your family, what he did was unfathomable and wrong, he needs to take the consequences for what he did," My dad says but more louder than his usual tone just a minute ago.

My mother doesn't say anything for a moment, but then I hear footsteps coming nearer and nearer and I quickly rush up the stairs, still tiptoeing, I open my door and collapse on my bed.

My parents have never argued like that, not once have they ever disagreed on something, they always agreed and stuck to each other.

Guess there's always a first for everything, am I right? Or am I right?

Brain, for the hundredth time, shut up already.

So again, I'm trying to make the chapters longer.
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Oh! And I almost forgot Merry Christmas!!

Love ya,

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