Chapter 19

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After that wonderful classical romantic occasion happened outside of the hospital with the one and only Ryder and me, we decided to head back home and rest till the next day which was Tuesday. Yay another school day.

When me and my parents and Toby finally got home, my dad parked the car in our garage and we were all heading inside for dinner when I saw two cop cars entering my driveway.

Oh shit, I forgot about them questioning me at the hospital.

I stood outside until the police or detectives or whatever they were suppose to be, got out of their vehicles and I guess that's when they finally noticed my presence

"Are you Ariana Martin?" One of the officers who looked to be about in his mid-twenties asked me.

I nodded my head and they walked up close to my driveway.

"We would like to ask you a few questions about what happened during the blackout in school and your kidnapping, may we step inside," The same officer asked.

"Right this way," I led them into my dining room. They sat down, there was two police officers and two detectives.

My parents came in, and introduced themselves.

"My name is Detective Marcus," The guy who first spoke to me said," and this is my partner Detective Stewart."

"I am Officer Louis and this is Officer Gomez." One of the officers said.

Detective Marcus, like I said before, looked to be about in his mid-twenties with shiny brown hair that was pushed back a little, and he had bright green eyes, he has a slim figure you could say and very tall. Overall he was more handsome than the other detective and officers.

Detective Stewart looked to be about 30, I guess, and he has dirty blonde hair with blue eyes and a mustache that looked completely ridiculous on him. And he wasn't as slim as the other detective, he was a bit more chubby.

Officer Louis and Officer Gomez looked like those police men in those action movies. You know the ones that are big and round that eat donuts all day. Except Louis has blonde hair and green eyes and a triple chin whilst Gomez got brown hair, brown eyes and got a double chin.

I noticed that everyone's eyes were on me.

"Uh-- w-what?" I was completely zoned out.

"I asked you, do you remember anything during the blackout or before the black? Was there anyone with you?" Detective Marcus asked again, smiling to ease my nervousness.

"Oh well I do remember that I was late or something before the blackout and I saw Ryder and Tiana in the hallway making out, and during the blackout, I think I remembered someone closing in on me, and then everything went black." I said as confident as I could. I mean, I was being questioned, I was a bit nervous because what if I said something and they thought about in a different way.

"Are you close friends with Ryder or Tiana?" Detective Stewart asked writing down the information I just told him.

"Well me and Ryder are friends, he lives right across from me and Tiana, well me and her don't really talk as friends or anything at all," I said again feeling uneasiness stir in my stomach.

"Do you believe they could've been your attackers?" Detective Marcus asked also writing down the information I just told him.

"No, I doubt it, they were far from me, and plus I felt two male bodies, not female and Ryder wouldn't kidnap me, I highly doubt it, we're friends." I said feeling alittle irritated that they would say Ryder would be involved I mean why would he?

"Well, okay do you remember anything during your kidnapping, did you wake up at all?" Detective Stewart asked me still writing.

I shook my head and they all cleared their throats.


"Well I guess that will be all, thank you for your time, Ms.Martin and if you remember anything at all. Please feel free to give me a call." Detective Marcus handed me a card that clearly had his phone number on it.

I thanked them, and my parents showed them the way out the house. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the door slam shut and when I saw the sight of my parents they came over to me and hugged me tight.

"We were so worried about you, Ari." My mother said giving me a kiss and letting me go.

"Oh and by the way Ariana," my dad called my name before he went up to his room.


"For now on, Ryder will be taking you to school in the mornings and driving you back here everyday after school," He said and walked up the stairs to his room, whilst I sat there. Speechless.

Well I mean we are friends. It won't be so bad.. Right? Right.

I got up from the couch and went to go back upstairs to my room when I heard the knock coming from my front door.

I groaned and walked back to the front entrance, its probably one of the officers, they might've left something.

But when I opened it, I was surprised. It wasn't the cops or detectives. It was Ryder Perez. I felt happiness more than surprising. I mean we are friends and stuff, so we should get along more now.

"Hey, I just saw the cops leave," He says and smiles while walking past me to head straight to the couch and then he grabs the controller and turns the TV on.

I smirked," stalker much." I said walking to the other couch far from where Ryder is sitting.

"Yes, because I love watching you at night, drool in your sleep and watch how you pick your boogers often," He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and I could see a small smile on his lips.

"So.. Um did you know your gonna be driving me for now on to and from school?" I asked while watching the reruns of Friends that Ryder put on.

"Yeah, I actually don't mind, your company is so appealing," He states but I could hear the sarcasm coming out of it.

I looked at him confused. I seriously don't get this boy, first he says he doesn't mind, and then states sarcastically that my presence is appealing. He's bipolar.

We sat there in silence just watching TV. And then that's when I get phone call. I grab my phone and see the caller ID, its Jack.

"What's up," I said through the phone. I could hear breathing like someone running.

"Are you home," I heard Jack say breathing heavily.

I nodded and then mentally face-palmed myself, stupid he can't see you

"Yeah, is there something wrong, Jack?"

"Look I'll be at your house in a few seconds." And that's all he said before the line went dead.

I looked at my phone bewildered. Okay. What the French just happened. Is Jack in danger or something? And then that's when I hear the pounding at my door.

I run to it, but Ryder's super long legs beat me to it. I tried to see whoever was at the door but no. Ryder's hulk size wouldn't move out of the way. I huffed in surrender. And that's when I see Jack huffing and puffing. I notice that he has a black eye and busted lip.

I push Ryder out the way as hard as I could, and I successful did it, I actually mentally pat myself in the back.

I help Jack enter my living room and I sit him down carefully.

"Are you okay, what happened, who did this you, did you get shot, okay more importantly who fucking did this to you!?" I was yelling at this point.

"I got jumped by these guys, I couldn't see their faces, they were wearing masks or some shit." He said. I turned to look at Ryder and even he looks a bit concerned.

Shit just got real.

Happy New Year!
I hoped you guys liked this chapter. Ugh school starts next week. Kill me now.
Picture of Jack

Love ya,

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