Chapter 26

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"Ariana," I heard someone call my name but instead of responding back I rolled over to the other side of my bed.

"Ariana!" Now this person was shaking my shoulders. I brushed them off and rubbed my eyes.

"What?" I asked, my voice sounded a bit hoarse since I just woke up.

"Remember we were suppose to go somewhere together," I stopped rubbing my eyes and saw that it was Megan who intruded my sleep.

I shrugged and looked over at my clock, it read 4:50.

My eyes widen, for the fact that I realized I fell asleep so quick and that I forget to give Toby his medicine again.

"Sorry, but how did you get in here again?" I looked back up at her and asked.

She shrugged, "the door was opened."

"The door was not o-," I stopped at mid sentence and for the second time, my eyes widen.

He did not come into my house. Oh shit he probably did.

"Did you see Toby?" I asked and got up to go to his bedroom and check, ignoring Megan's voice, that was slowly starting to fade, as I walked out.

I opened the door and no luck. He wasn't in there. I could feel panic start to rise the second time again today. And raced downstairs and as I got closer to the living room, assuming he was in there, again he wasn't in there.

Okay calm down Ariana. Maybe he's in the kitchen.

I checked there too and guess what? He wasn't in there! I could hear Megan's footsteps come down the staircase but at this point I didn't care. I ran out the back door, to see if he was in our back yard. He wasn't in there. Now I could feel my anxiety getting worse.

Where else could he be???!! They couldn't have taken my little brother. Hell to the no. They couldn't.

"Ariana!!!" I heard Megan's call and this time I finally turned around to listen what she had to say. She was breathing heavily, I'm guessing because of how active I was at the moment, and she was following me.

"Your parents came and took Toby to the doctor. Gosh your acting like someone kidnapped that little devil." She smirked. I breathed a sigh of relief. And gave her a small smile.

Good, they didn't get him and he's safe with my parents.

"Now can we please go get something to eat? I'm starving like a caveman," She pouted and I chuckled at her.

"Sure just let me get my phone," I told her and walked back inside. I walked up my stairs and into my room. I grabbed my phone and put on my black converse.

I walked back down the stairs and I noticed Megan was frowning down on her phone. She was texting fast and after she finished, she huffed and looked up and met my gaze.

"How long have you been standing there?" She asked, looking a bit suspicious.

"Uh. Just a few seconds, are you ready to go?" I asked changing the subject. Her face changed back to her usual expression, which was hard to read.

She nodded and gave me a small smile and we both walked out of my house, I locked the door this time. I'm still wondering how it was left opened.

I mean my parents never ever left the door opened when they leave. Maybe they just forgot. I brush the thought out of my head and head towards Megan's car. We both get in and she turns on the engine.

"So where are we off too?" I asked looking out the window.

"I was thinking a burger joint maybe? There's this new burger joint by McDonalds, we could go there if you want?" She asked, her eyes stay on the road.

"Yeah that's fine." I say and turn on the radio.

The song Came to do by Chris Brown was on and me and Megan started singing along.

We were laughing and singing and doing our own stupid dance moves the whole car ride. When we finally pulled up to the fast food restaurant, my stomach growled. Yep, I'm one hungry girl right now.

We climbed out of the car and walked in. The 'burger joint' Megan referred to was really called In & Out. And the place wasn't as big as McDonalds. It was a bit smaller. The walls were white and the floor was blue and white striped. It wasn't that pretty.

They had the menu above the cashiers and we both ordered a cheese burger with fries and a strawberry smoothie. I know, not a great mixture but it'll do. Anyways after we got our orders, we went outside and sat down in a table.

Forgot to mention, yes they do have tables outside. The tables were also white and the chairs were blue. Outside wasn't as bad. It was a bit chilly, the sun wasn't out, it was more cloudy. Air blew here and there, but we both managed.

We both started to dig in our foods. After 25 mins, we were both stuffed.

"I feel like if I eat another fry my whole stomach is gonna explode," Megan groaned. And I agreed. All this food made me feel like I've gained 50 pounds.

"My minds telling me to eat more, but my stomach is disagreeing," I said and held my stomach. She chuckled at my statement.

"So how was school?" I asked still holding my poor tummy.

"School was school. Now can you please tell me why you didn't show up, obviously you aren't sick," She sat up since before she was all slouched.

"I had to take care of Toby since he was sick and my parents weren't going to be able to take care of him." I lied and shrugged.

I guess she bought it because she nodded and gave me a small smile.

"So how are you and Ryder?" She asked and I could feel my heart drop to my stomach. I did not want to talk about this.

"Oh, you know, nothing much, we talk here and there. I haven't talked to him lately so yeah. Not much." I lied again.

"You sure? I thought you guys would've at least hooked up." She states drinking her strawberry smoothie.

"Nah, he's too busy getting an STD from Tiana. I rather not give him my cat," I clarified. And she stared at me like I've grown three head, then she bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked giggling nervously.

"I- have n-never heard y-you talk like -th-that," She laughed again and then once she wiped her false teardrop, she calmed down.

"Right..," I said drinking out of my strawberry smoothie.

"Ariana... Do you like Ryder?" She asked after a moment of silence. I almost choked on my smoothie.

What's the deal with everyone asking me that??! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating but still first Derek, now Megan. I must be showing too much of my emotions.

"Nope," I said as calmly as I could muster.

She stared at me for a long time,"nope I don't believe you."

"And why not?" I asked, I could feel my hands get hot.

"Just name one thing you don't like about him. Just one."

I thought for a moment. There's a lot of things I don't like about Ryder. Hes a player, he gets what he wants with every girl, hes cocky, he can be rude, and the list can go on and on. But he can also be very kind and sweet, he has a past that haunts him, and last night, he was extremely sweet and so was his lips. But the thing is hes complicated. Hes hard to figure out, and I don't know if I'm capable of dealing with that. But in this case, I have to say something so I did.

"Boys like him don't fall for girls like me, and that's how its meant to be." I said.

Its been a long day, and I just really wanted to get this chapter over with. Sorry if its too short or too boring. I just needed to show more about Ariana and Megan's friendship.

Bye. ❤ like/comment

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