Chapter 27

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After me and Megan discussed more about the whole Ryder situation, we decided to head home. It was about 7pm when I finally entered my house. I walked in and heard noises coming from the dining room.

I could hear my parents laughing at something but then I heard two other voices.

"Robert you have a way with words," I heard a female voice say. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I know I heard that voice before. I walked closer to the dining room.

There sitting on one couch was my parents and the couch across from them sat Helen and Robert. I felt my stomach twist.

Please, don't be here, Ryder. I prayed.

They finally took notice of me standing there.

"Oh! Hello Ariana." Helen smiled at me and took a sip of her cup of champagne. I smiled and waved back. Robert also greeted me and my parents just gave me a small nod, gesturing for me to move along, I'm assuming.

I head up to my room and kicked off my shoes. I collapsed onto the bed and felt my phone vibrate through my sweatshirt. I pulled it out, still laying on my stomach.


I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. And I was about to text back when my phone rung. Its still from the same unknown number. I answered it.

"Hello," I said waiting for a response back.

"Meet me outside, I need to talk to you, princessa," I heard the familiar voice of the one and only. Ryder.

I was hesitant at first but finally agreed and got up, I put my shoes back on and jogged downstairs.

Before I could walk out, I heard my parents call my name.

"Yes," I said walking to the dining room.

"Where are you going, honey?" My mother asked sitting with one leg over the other.

"I'm just heading out to meet one of my friends, I won't be long, see ya," I said and walked out before they could question any further.

I saw Ryder leaning on a tree in my front yard. He had a cigarette in his mouth. I was a bit stunned but realized why should I? He probably does this all the time. Maybe even worse.

"You wanted to talk?" I said after I was a bit more near him than before.

He threw the cigarette on the grass and put his foot over it. He nodded and motioned me to follow him. I obeyed and we ended up in his car.

After a moments of silence, I finally spoke up.

"Are you going to take me somewhere?" I asked since we were just sitting in his car.

"Nope, unless you want to go somewhere," He finally spoke after this whole silence thing.

I shook my head and laid my head on the window.

Another couple of minutes of silence and I was getting really frustrated.

"Are you going to talk or are we just gonna sit here?" I snapped. I really don't have time for this. I just want to go back to my bedroom and sleep it off.

He sighed and ran his hand over his hair.

"I want to talk about what happened. You know the whole 'me and Tiana are perfect for each other' thing... I mean why would you think that?" He asked and looked outside the window.

It took me a few moments to gather my thoughts because I really didn't want to be dramatic about the whole thing. And I really didn't want to do more word vomit.

"I don't know, it just fits I guess. And you guys make out a lot and probably 'do it' a lot. So... I mean you guys would just be perfect for each other," I stated and I know it wasn't the best response but hey, I didn't want to do word vomit and spill my true feelings out. 

He laughed. Like seriously, he burst out laughing. I looked at him like he had grown three heads.

"W-wait so y-you t-think just be-because me and h-her f-fuck that we're meant to b-be?" He said through his laughing.

I nodded and looked down at my fingers, maybe it is a stupid thought.

Or maybe your just jealous, that he'd rather have her and not you.

I wanted to slap my subconscious so badly right now.

He stopped laughing and looked at me. I could feel his stare at my side. He grabbed my chin lightly and made me have eye contact.

"Look we might fuck but that's it. There's nothing to it. She's just one of those girls that you mess with. But trust me I only fucked her about 3 times. We make out, yes. But that's it. No feelings." He said and looked into my eyes.

Okay, why am I getting this feeling that he's really trying to convince me, and I'm not even his girlfriend?

Maybe he likes....

No. He doesn't. Don't think. Never. Ever. Gonna. Happen. Ever.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and nodded. I didn't really trust my voice at the moment. He sighed and dropped his hand from my chin.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked after a couple of moments passed.

I swear to god if he asks me do I like him. I think I'm going to punch something.

"Yeah, sure." My voice sounded a bit more confident than I thought.

He waited a few minutes before he finally said it. And when he did I felt like my whole body just got hit by a truck. Like a ton of bricks just hit me in my heart. Like I was literally shot over and over again. And I have no idea why I felt that way. It was just a simply question. But it held every meaning that you thought wasn't true.

"Can't we just be friends?"

There ya go another chapter.
Hoped you liked it.

Night. ❤

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