Chapter 46

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So your mind must be full of questions.

Like are me and Ryder dating, for starters. Has our relationship grown into anything at all? Are we still friends? Are we still talking? Am I pregnant? Okay that last one was a joke.

But sadly, we haven't spoken in a whole week. Just kidding! I'd probably be in depressed mode, I might even be eating ice cream the rest of my life and start talking to a bear for comfort. Or just stay on the Internet all day. But I do that anyway...

Besides all that, me and Ryder have been great, thank you for asking. We are currently dating again. And to say the least, he's amazing. And so are the make out sessions.

He's so amazing, truly.

It's been exactly 2months since the whole bet and other dramatic stuff happened. And it's been about 3 weeks since we did the deed. And after all that sexual stuff, he finally asked me out. Again.

Derek and me still communicate, but he doesn't like the fact that I'm with Ryder. He says he doesn't approve. But Ryder doesn't care at all for his approval or the glares he receives from Derek. He thinks it's 'amusing'. I swear the nerve of these guys.

"Ari," I hear Ryder call my name from the opposite way of the hall. Whilst I'm taking all my materials from my locker. Today is the last day of school. Which also means today is the ending of my high school year. It's been a wack of a year, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. This may sound cheesy, but all the drama brought me and Ryder together. I like to think of it that way, because if it wasn't for the bet or the kidnapping or Ryder's first day here at Crystal High I don't think I'd be calling him my boyfriend.

"Hold on, I'll be there in a sec," I call out, getting the last of my things. As I shut my locker and remove my lock, I walk over to the exit where Ryder is waiting.

"Ready to go, princessa?" He asks and as soon as we're close enough he kisses my cheek and traces his thumb on my lips.

I nod, he takes me by my hand and before we exit. I look back, wondering that this may be the last time I will ever see this school again.

And I know, for a fact, that it will be. Because ladies and gentlemen, I , Ariana Martin, got accepted to NYU. I will be starting school this fall. How exciting right!

As for Ryder, he'll be going to Wisconsin university, and yes it is far. About 16 hours, I'm guessing. We have discussed about our relationship, will we have long-distance? I don't know about that. I don't think either of us could deal with not seeing each other. But he said that we should just see how our summer goes together. And if we stay together, we'll figure something out. To say the least, if me and Ryder do break up, I don't think I'd be able to move on. I mean sure I'd still go to NYU, but I don't think I'd date again. Or maybe thats not the case, and I'll find someone new.

We walk down the steps, students are walking to their cars. Jocks are whistling and music is blasting from some cars. It's just a lot of commotion, but I understand. It's our last day. And yes, I did go to prom with Ryder of course. It was amazing, I wore a red mermaid dress, that had some lace design on the lower part. And Ryder wore a tux!! Yes an actual tux. He wore a black suit and a red shirt under it with some black pants.

It was spectacular. And I wish I could relive it once again.

Once we get into his car, he starts the engine and we drive off to my house.

He rolls the windows down, and the song Left Hand Free by Alt-J (Lido Remix) comes on. With the windows rolled down and the song, everything feels refreshed. Relaxed, even.

As Ryder drives, his hand is placed on my thigh, I can feel him trace small circles against my thigh, and it soothes me even more. Everything just feels too perfect.

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