Chapter 37

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"Wow. Slut, could you maybe close you're legs. Its starting to stink over here." Ryder said and pinched his nose.

Tiana's face showed a bit of pink. But with all that makeup on her face, it was hard to tell if she was truly embarrassed.

"Ryder. How come you don't text me anymore. Remember, you use to always say you would rather fuck me, then this fat ass nerd?" She spat and gave me a disgusting glare.

"Actually. I don't recall ever saying that." He stepped closer to her face.

"Oh? Well I do. And I can also recall a bunch of things that happened." Tiana shoved Ryder away and walked closer to me.

"Do you really think Ryder, the most hottest player in this school, would actually want you?" She smirked. I stood there. Just staring into her cold stoned gray eyes.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell you. You'll probably go cry to your mom or some shit. Like I give a fuck." She rolled her eyes.

"But let me just tell you this," She looked straight into my eyes, then she went to my ear," that bastard never liked you, he's using you."

"Ariana. Don't believe a word she just told you." Ryder yelled. I looked behind Tiana and now realized why Ryder never shoved Tiana away from me.

His arms were pulled back by two jocks. But Ryder didn't seem to be struggling. It seemed like he could take them down, but wasn't trying.

Why would Ryder use me? He's been nothing but caring and sweet. And yes, he's ego gets in the way. But I'm fine with that. Use me for what? Obviously, he wasn't going to get my v-card. If that's what their thinking. But if he was using me, why would he stand by my side? Why would he go through all this trouble, for what? What exactly would he accomplish, that's worth being stuck with me?

I walked off from both of them, and walked into the classroom. Ready for whatever distraction I can get, to keep my mind off Ryder and Tiana.


The morning classes seem to have gone quicker than I'd expected. I was prepared for the longest boring lectures from my teachers but got the complete opposite. Seems like the teachers are in a better mood than me.

It was 5th period and also lunchtime. I walked into the cafeteria and went start to my table, not feeling hungry at all. I lost my appetite earlier.

I pulled my homework out that I had to do for my morning classes. Yes, the teachers might've been happier this morning but they still gave out homework.

I was in the middle of a problem when I felt someone's presence in front of me. I looked up and my eyes met Derek's.

"Hi.." I said and criss crossed my legs onto the seat I was sitting in.

He dropped his tray and came around the table and pulled me up from my chair. He pulled me into a tight hug.

My arms were just dangling for a second till my body finally responded. I put my arms around his built waist and hugged him tightly. I miss his hugs, I miss Derek. Seriously, he's like a big brother to me. How can I not miss him? He always protected me. He never intentionally let me down. But then again, Megan did. And now she's dead.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't there for you." He said and pulled away and grabbed a chair from the table near us. He pulled it up beside me and grabbed his tray. He scooted up the chair to the table and I sat down.

"Tell me, everything."

And so I did. I made sure my voice wasn't loud. Just loud enough for him to hear. There's a lot of nosey people at this school and trust me if they heard me. It would've been the gossip of the year.

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