Omega - 1

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It has been a few days since the formal. Peter is now dead, Derek is the alpha now, the town knows the truth about the fire and oh yeah, the cops are back, well they were back for a good 2 days.

Reason why is because the media outlets came back again. The Argents are officially the town's pariahs, because everyone now knows what Kate did.

Derek is no longer running, and he's been staying with us for a while. At least till he goes back to being stubborn and finds somewhere else to live, or by live I mean hide.

Everyday I go to the hospital to check up on Lydia (mostly because I feel bad considering my uncle Peter did this to her) who has been healing. Well her and Stiles. Right now he's sprawled out over several chairs in the lobby of the hospital wing where Lydia is admitted, and he's dreaming of her...again.

"Yes, just like that... No, you first..."

I stifle a laugh and tucked the bag of food I brought for us under my arm, pulling out my phone and hit record.

"Oh, me first?"

Stiles giggles and snorts in his sleep, his hand falling off of the chair on which he is passed out on.
Lydia's dad walks out of Lydias room and notices Stiles sprawled over the chairs. He looks over at me since I'm recording and points at Stiles.

"He's been here all night?"

I chuckle and shake my head at him.  "He's been here all weekend."

"You're dirty..." Stiles mutters into the air, the nurse that was taking out the trash from the can next to him shakes her head and walks off. I giggle at the scene and turn my phone off, reaching to tap Stiles on the head.

"Hey Doofus, wake up." He groans as he sits up, rubbing his eyes.

"What?" I held up the bag of some fast food that I got before I stopped by here. "Got you some food."

"Thanks Izzy."

"No thank you," I say as I plop down on the seat next to him and start digging into my own food.

"I got some seriously good blackmail," I popped a string fry in my mouth.

"You what?"

"You know Blackmail. Of you dreaming of Lydia. I must say, you must have a vivid picture of her." I mutter teasingly as I send the video to my computer for safe keeping.

"No, no, delete that!" Stiles exclaimed.

I laughed at him all wickedly. "No! How else am I gonna make you do the things I ask?"

"By aking!"

I laughed at him. "What's the fun in that?

He crossed his arms and looked ahead, muttering some curse words under his breath. "You are definitely related to Derek."

I grinned sheepishly. "Thank you so much."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

I leaned against the wall, waiting for Stiles to get his candy. He was trying to get some Reese's. I got some sour patch kids. Gotta love me some sugar.

"Oh come on." Stiles said in annoyance when the candy didn't come down.

"Just get another candy or put another dollar." I suggested as I took a blue sour patch kid and chewed the head off.

"No, the machine took my dollar so I take my desert, that's how this works." Stiles argued back as he started hitting the sides of the vending machine.

I sighed and shook my head at him before digging back into my snack.

I was barely paying attention to Stiles, more focused on my candy when the vending machine crashed down in front of me, I jumped and gasped at Stiles. Who had a face ridiculed of guilt.

"Look at what you've done Isabelle!" Stiles accused. "Me?!" I exclaimed. "I didn't do it!"

"Well your the one with the wolfy girl powers!" I slap my hands on my hips incredulously. "Seriously?!"

I reached down to the vending machine and lift it up. "Go on. Get your Resses." Stiles was grinning from ear to ear as he reached down. As he picked almost every single snack under the machine a piercing and sharp scream went through the floor of the hospital. My ears picked it up and I wish they hadn't. It was the loudest scream I ever heard. I dropped the vending machine, Stiles hand almost getting caught underneath. I screamed from the pain of the scream and covered my ears to try and block it out. "Izzie!" Stiles crouched down next to me and grabbed me.

Stiles was mouthing some words, I have no idea what he was saying, his lips were moving but I didn't hear anything. My ears were ringing. Stiles pushed my hair behind my ear and I felt him touch my ear. He showed me his hand, the small trail of blood. What? I reached up myself and felt the warm liquid. What.

I shook my head, making the ringing sound go away. "CAN YOU HEAR ME!" Stiles yelled. "Ow!" I yelled back.

I grunt as I got to my feet. "Did that come from?" Stiles nodded. "Lydia's room."

My eyes went wide and I immediately ran back to her hospital room with Stiles. "Lydia?" I called out as we burst into her room. It was empty except for the sound of water running from the bathroom. "Lydia!"

"What the hell was that?" Melissa questioned as she and Lydia's dad ran in the room. Melissa and I went to the bathroom and Stiles and Lydia's dad stayed back. I pulled apart the curtain of the shower and stared in confusion at the empty overflowing bath.

"Is she okay?" Stiles called out. "She's not here!"

Melissa turns the water off and Lydia's dad stormed in followed by Stiles. "Where the hell is my daughter?!"

I exchange looks with Stiles before looking out the open window.

She didn't.

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