Fury - 3

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"Mom?" Scott said wearily when we moved to the front desk of the station when Melissa entered.

"You scared me! Where is every--" She stopped when she saw Matt holding a gun to us.

"Mom, just do what he says. He promised he wouldn't hurt you." Scott said nervously.

"He's right." Matt said in agreement before shooting Scott in the abdomen. Melissa and I screamed at the sound and I immediately fell down to check his wound.

It would heal obviously, but how would we explain that to Melissa?

"But, I didn't say I wouldn't hurt you."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled at Matt as I pressed on Scott's wound, only to keep up appearances with Melissa and well with the bullet still in him I had to stop the bleeding somehow.

"Wait, baby--" Melissa pleaded.

"Back! Back!" Matt yelled, thrusting his gun in her direction. I let Scott go and stood in front of Melissa, thank God she couldn't see the way my eyes glowed at Matt. He was going to kill us all, there was no doubting that.

"You wanna get to her you have to go through me."

"Isabelle!" Melissa exclaimed shocked. "As soon as Derek is free he won't hesitate to kill you if you even touch a hair on my head." He already killed Peter for killing Laura, if Matt kills me he'll meet the same fate.

And I'll kill Matt if the tables turn.

Matt thought it through and I mentally begged he wouldn't do it.

"Hale," Matt said sternly. Still keeping the gun trained on me. "Help him up."

"Matt?" Stilinski yelled from the holding cells. "Matt, listen to me--"

"Shut-shut-shut up!" Matt ordered. "Everybody shut the hell up!" Matt yelled angrily and I had to confess I was starting to get scared.

"Now, get up, or I shoot Isabelle and your mom next."

I kept Melissa behind me as I moved to help Scott to his feet, throwing his arm across my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his waist to keep him steady and used my other hand to hold onto his arm thrown over my shoulder so he stand.

Matt made us take Melissa to the holding cell, locking her inside. "Please, he needs to see a doctor." Melissa said tearfully. I hate that she didn't understand what was happening.

"You think so?" Matt asked mockingly.

"Hey! Hey, you listen to me!" Stilinski yelled.

"It's all right. I'm okay." Scott assured his mom.

"No, honey, you're not okay."

"It doesn't hurt, Mom."

"Cause that's the adrenaline, okay? Please, let me-let me just take a look at him, okay?" She begged Matt. "I mean, I can stop the bleeding."

Matt scoffed as he turned to us "They have no idea, do they?"

"Please, let me take a quick look. I--" Meliisa said trying to plead once more.

"Shut-shut-shut-shut up!" Matt yelled agrivated. "Lady, if you keep talking, I'm gonna put the next bullet through his head."

That made Melissa shut up quickly.  "Okay. Okay."

I gave Melissa my best confident look. "Melissa I can stop the bleeding, I know how. I'm taking EMT classes."

Because you never know when you need the training. That seemed to have calmed her down just a little.

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