Battlefield - 2

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We wasted no more time than we already had and ran back to the field. They were celebrating so that means we must have won, which also means the clock must be buzzing soon. We pushed past the crowd of people and saw the clock counting down from 30 seconds.

I looked onto the field to see Jackson standing there, claws outstretched. Oh no.
Everyone cheered when the buzzer sounded and Scott and I exchanged confused glances when nothing happened.

"Nothing happened." I heaved out, frowning out into the field. "That doesn't make any sense."

I was about to break into a run when the lights went out, and the screaming started. There were so many people yelling and rushing around us it was hard to even walk, or worse run.
"Scott?!" yelled Melissas panicking voice. "Scott, where are you!"

"Are you okay?" Scott asked when she found us, grabbing her arms.

"I'm fine, I'm fine but someone is down on the field."

I whirled my head towards the field, my fear increasing. Please don't let it be Stiles. I was the first to run towards the group of lacrosse players surrounding someone on the floor.

I pushed past and let out a smi breath of relief at the fact that it wasn't Stiles, but Jackson.

Not that it's better I suppose.


Coach pushed his way in and made everyone move to the side as he crouched down to check on him.

"Jackson!" exclaimed Lydia's voice.

"What happened to Jackson?!" She screeched as she pushed her way in the circle.

"Lydia" I grabbed her and pulled her back. "What happened to him!" She exclaimed as I tried calming her down.

"Can we get a medic over here? We're gonna need a medic!" yelled Coach out to no one really.

Melissa approached and got down on her knees, checking for a pulse.

"There's no pulse. He's not breathing. No pulse." Melissa said to Coach.



"Oh--" Coach said when Melissa lifted Jacksons jersey and there were these puncture marks that looked like they came from claws.

"Oh, my God. There's blood. There's blood!" Lydia cried as I made her look away and she cried into my shoulder.

"Get down here." Melissa told Lydia when she looked back. "Get down here and hold his head. Tilt it up."

Lydia did what she asked, getting down in front of him and tilting his head up.
Scott subtly pointed at Jacksons hands and I frowned. They were bloody.

"He did it to himself." I muttered out loud in confusion. Why would he do it to himself? That didn't make any sense.

"Hey Stiles-" I paused when I realized Stiles wasn't with us. "Stiles?" I turned in circles trying to spot him and I wasn't the only one who was also freaking out.

Stilinski turned in circles trying to spot him. "Where the hell is my son?"

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