Venomous - 4

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It was almost dark outside when Derek and his pack found us. 

"Oh, geez." Stiles muttered as we both looked out the window to see them all standing there. What are they waiting for? "What are you doing?" Stiles asked. I looked at Allison who was on her phone. 

"I think-I think I have to call my dad." she said anxiously. 
I looked at her alarmed. "No, if he finds you here, you and Scott-- and worse me?"

"I know, but what are we supposed to do? They're not here to scare us, okay? They're here to kill Lydia." 

 "I got an idea-- just shoot one of 'em." Stiles suggested. "Are you serious?" She asked in shock. 

"We told Scott we could protect ourselves, so let's do it! Or at least give it a shot, right?" 

She nodded reluctantly. "Okay." 

I sighed agreeing. "Look, they don't think we're gonna fight, so if one of them gets hit, I guarantee they'll take off. So, just shoot one of 'em." 

"Which one?" Allison asked looking out. 
"Uh, Derek. Yeah, shoot him. Preferably in the head." 

I looked at him in surprise. "If I was able to catch an arrow, Derek definitely can." 

Stiles groaned. "Okay, uh, just shoot one of the other three, then." 

"You mean, two." Allison corrected. "No, we mean three." I corrected her. Stiles and I exchanged a look before rushing to the window. Derek, Erica, Boyd. Oh no.  ".Where the hell is Isaac?" 

I whirled around claws extended when I smelled another wolf in the house. Isaac came from the hallway, claws out as well and we glared at each other for a while and Stiles backed up. 

Isaac made the first move and I dodged him, I kicked him against the wall and caught his arm, twisting it and pinning it against his back. 

"Allison!" I called out. I could smell another werewolf. Erica was coming. "Upstairs, protect Lydia!" I shrieked when Isaac escaped my grasp, falling back. His eyes glowed yellow and mines did as well. Stiles came up from behind him and broke a chair over his head. 

When he turned around to grab Stiles, I growled and jumped on his back. His claws digged into my thighs and I ignored the pain as I shifted position, ending up on his shoulders. 

I raised my elbows and hit him over the head over and over till he threw me off but I jumped back on my feet. When we went for me, I grabbed a vase and broke it over his head. It'll heal. 

When he was distracted for one second. I pounced on him, digging my claws into his jacket and tossing him with all my strength into the staircase. Where he passed out. 

When Scott came running into the house from the backdoor, he looked between an unconscious Isaac and me who was out of breath. "Took you long enough." 

I went upstairs and found a paralyzed Erica on the floor of Scotts room. "Nice." I compliment Allison as I grabbed Erica's arm. "Could you bring some of the toxin?" Allison nodded and covered the arrowhead of her arrow on it. Great. 

With the Kanimas paralytic toxin, we used it on Isaac as soon as he regained conscious. I grabbed Erica and Scott grabbed Isaac and we threw them together out the door and in front of Derek's feet. We all stepped out on the front porch. 

"I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott." Derek said. "You're not an Omega-- you're already an Alpha of your own pack. But, you know you can't beat me." 

"I can hold you off until the cops get here." With that we could hear the sound of the sirens getting closer. And then the sound of footsteps and hissing on the roof. 

Oh no. We walked to the front yard and looked up, seeing the Kanima crawling on the roof, it screeched at us before leaving. "Get them out of here!" Derek ordered Boyd, motioning to Isaac and Erica. 

The sound of footsteps from inside the house made us all look back and we surprisingly saw Lydia standing there looking confused and a little scared. "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on???" 

I exchanged looks with Scott in shock. He didn't come out of the house. "It's Jackson." 

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