Party Guessed - 1

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Derek opened up the chest of chains we were going to use for Isaac, Erica and Boyd on tonight's full moon. Isaac reached down, touching the triskelion on the chest. "What is that?"

"It's a triskele," said Boyd from his spot against the train cart. "The spirals mean different things-- past, present future; mother, father, child."

"Do you know what it means to us?" My mom asked.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega?"

I smiled impressed with Boyd and looked at Derek. "Remember when you asked why I hated you and I said 3 reasons? I take one back."

Erica and Isaac looked offended and Boyd just smiled.

Derek and my parents just shook their heads at me. Derek stood up and extended a hand. "May I?" He asked, referring to my necklace.

I nodded and removed my triskelion necklace and handed it over. He held it in his hands so they could all see. 

"That's right. It's a spiral-- it reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another." He explained. "Betas can become Alphas, but Alphas can also fall to Betas, or even Omegas."

"Like Scott?" Isaac said. "Scott's with us."

"Really?" Isaac replied skeptically, taking a look around. "Then where is he now?"

"He's looking for Jackson." I said as Derek gave me back my necklace and I put it back on.

"Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight, either. None of us will." Derek told them. My dad nodded, "There's a price you pay for this kind of power. You get the ability to heal, but tonight, you're gonna want to kill anything you can find." He reached into the chest and grabbed some chains, handing them to Isaac.

Erica chuckled. "Good thing I had my period last week, then."

I smirked and reached inside the chest, pulling out a crown headband with nails. I remember when I first got my period, it wasn't just cramps that I had to deal with. For us girls being a werewolf is different, we also turn during our cycles. I had to learn even more control. I wore this for a short time. 

"Well, this one's for you." Her smile faded. 

For the rest of the day, my parents, Derek and I spent it coaching Erica, Isaac and Boyd. 

We mostly just tried to teach them how to keep it in check, some history, and then some fighting techniques. God, training werewolves for their first full moon is horrible.

I had to leave around 9 to get ready for Lydia's party at her house. 

"You know it's too bad your families don't let you and Allison hang out after school." Lydia muttered as she did my hair. I sat at her vanity, putting on a bit of makeup as she did my hair. 

"Well it's not my family. Its Allison's. Our families have always had bad blood, it was Kate that went all murdery." I muttered as I pulled out my phone and asked my mom for an update.

"Well, there's no other Argents or Hales at my party." she stated putting the curler down.

I smiled at her. "Happy Birthday Lydia." 

She smiled back. "Thank you." 

I wore a pink Kimchi Blue Ruched V-Front Strapless Dress. My hair was in waves thanks to Lydia's styling. I also wore my triskelion necklace. Lydia is a makeup god. 

Lydia and I headed down stairs to finish setting up for the party when they first guest arrived. 

"Happy birthday!" Stiles exclaimed when Lydia opened the door. He held a huge present in his hands, wrapped in yellow wrapping paper with red polka dots. 

"Yeah! Coming in." He tried coming inside with the present but failed because it didn't want to go through. 

"Oh, whoa!" He exclaimed stepping back. "Can't. Okay, you know, you don't-" He pointed to the other end of the box. "Can you just grab that side, maybe?"

Lydia and I exchanged glances looking at Stiles. I sighed at his attempts and grabbed a glass of punch from Lydia's tray and turned around, walking away from the scene that was giving me second hand embarrassment.

Lydia turned away along with me. "Don't forget to try the punch!" 

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