Abomination- 2

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"Do we have to?" I said to my parents as we got out of the car at an old abandoned subway. When I told my parents what Stiles told me they decided we had to tell Derek about it and help him with the newbies. It's like a nightmare come true. 

It wasn't hard to catch Derek's repugnant stench. We followed it and the other three down to an abandoned station. We were getting closer to Derek and his new 'pack' because we could hear the sounds of him throwing two members aside. 

"Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable?" said an irritated Derek when we got down. Erica, jumped on him, wrapping her arms around him and kissed him. 

Oh, ew god! My eyes! Oohhh! I'm scarred for life!!! Dad slammed a hand on my eyes and I was thankful for it. Never the less I need to wash my eyes out with soap. 

As soon as I heard the thud Erica made when she was dropped we made our presence known. 

"Oh, I'm sorry we must be in the wrong room." I said as we walked down the remaining steps to them. Boyd was by the stairwell and Isaac and Erica looked like hell.  "I thought this was werewolf training not slut training." 

Erica growled at me for that and rushed at me. I only inclined my body to the left and grabbed her arm that tried to claw at me with my right hand and then her throat with my left and slammed her down hard on the ground. 

"I have been at this a long time." She coughed for breath. "You're gonna have to do better than that." 

She growled and with her free hand tried again to claw at me but I saw it coming and smiled victoriously when I removed my hand from her throat and grabbed her arm in a swift move. 

"You should probably drop slut school Erica. That's not gonna help you survive."

I let her go and stood up, cleaning my hands and fixing my hair. Derek turned to us with crossed arms. "How did you find us?" 

"Oh you know, followed the stench of teenage hormones and desperation."

Erica, Isaac and Boyd glared at me taking deep offense. I gave them a wave of acknowledgement. "Hi." 

My parents just shook their heads at me crossing their arms and looked at Derek. "We need to talk." Derek motioned behind him to the abandoned train cart and we followed him inside it. 

"Did you really have to do that?" Derek questioned annoyed. 

I shrug. "I admit, that was nasty." 

"Why do you hate me?" Derek asked. 

"I can give you three reasons." I stated, referring to Erica, Isaac and Boyd. "What were we not enough?" 

"You know that the bigger the pack-" 

"Spare me the alpha talk. You didn't need more beta's. I can't believe you chose 3 teenagers over your own family!" 

The four of us kept arguing for a long time. And I mean a long time, till we finally came to a sort of agreement. We'd only help him train the 3 teenagers because they needed help. Desperately. 

Mom is going to help Erica with training because the two of us will probably tear each other to shreds if I help her train. Dad and Derek have Isaac and I'm with Boyd because out of the three of them he is the most calm. 

And doesn't make me want to tear him apart limb by limb. I have a favorite clearly. 

"Are we done?" Isaac said with heavy breathing once the four of us got off the train cart. 

 "I got about a hundred bones that need a few hours to heal." 

"Come here." Derek said, crouching down next to him. He grabbed his arm and bent it backwards, breaking the bone. "A hundred and one." 

I very much expected him to do that. "You think I'm teaching you to fight? Huh? Look at me!" Derek yelled at him. "I'm teaching you how to survive!" Boyd and Erica flinch. 

"Derek!" Mom exclaimed sternly. "Let him go." Derek reluctantly let his arm go and Isaac pulled back. Cradling his arm. 

"If they wanted us dead, why aren't they coming for us now?" Isaac challenged. "What are they waiting for?" I wondered the same. They knew where we were, where we work, where I go to school. What were they waiting for? 

"I don't know. But, they're planning something. And you especially know that's not our only problem." He looked at Erica and Boyd. "Whatever that thing is that killed Isaac's father, it killed someone else last night." 

It did. 

 "Until I find out what that is, you all need to learn everything that I know as fast as I can teach you." 

My dad and I coughed into our hands. "We." The two of us coughed and looked around like we didn't do anything. Derek rolled his eyes. "As fast as we can teach you." 

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