Abomination - 5

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"I can't stay up any longer." I said in between gasps, trying to stay up. It was getting harder to do with each passing second. "I need something to hold onto." 

I looked over and saw the diving board had handles on the bottom. Here goes nothing. I swam over, trying my best to hold on to Derek. 

I reached for the handle, my finger tips brushing the damn handle. I almost had it, but with my hand wet it slipped from my grasp and I let go of Derek, going under the water as well. I let out a shriek when two hands reached down and pulled us out. Derek and I landing hard on the floor. 

I coughed out water and caught my breath. I moved my wet hair out of my face to see the person who pulled us out was Scott. Oh, so now he decides to show up. 

Scott began to fight the creature, while he did that I ran to the other pool and helped my mom pull my dad out. 

I whirled around when I heard the sound of glass shattering and saw the creature throw Scott against a mirror. He lifted a shard and held it up like a knife and the creature was in a trance because of his reflection. 

Oh my god. I know what it is. 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

I wrapped Stiles sweater and the towel around me tighter. "Stiles I'm fine." My voice didn't match my words. I was shivering from head to toe, I was in that pool for what felt like hours. "I am sorry. So, so sorry." Stiles apologized for the 100th time. "You could have gotten hurt by the monster or worse." 

I shook my head at him. "I am fine. The monster didn't hurt me." 

"But he could have. You know you-" Stiles cut himself off from saying whatever he was going to say. But I had to know what it was. "What?" 

"You're always running into danger. Head on." My jaw dropped in shock. "I do not run into danger!" 

"Yes you do! And half the time you end up getting hurt!" 

"Hey that was one time!" Okay that was actually several times. I think I could list them all. "You don't think what it does to the people that love you when you run in there!" I was taken back by that. Is that really what I put him and everyone else through. I shift uncomfortably. I really did not like apologizing. "I'm sorry- that I put you through that." 

Stiles simply nodded. "I'm sorry for getting mad." I shook my head. "No you have all the right to." I know I would be mad. 

Scott came over with his computer, USB drive in. He filled me in that the bestiary was actually in a USB. Not the brown leather book like we thought. I had it in my hands the entire time. 

"Is that even a language?" Stiles questioned looking at the computer. The pages were written in words we didn't understand. 

"How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is?" Scott asked as he and Stiles took a look at the bestiary. 

"That's easy." I said. "It's called a Kanima." My family walked over, the paralytic toxin had worn off my dad and Derek, they like me were drenched from head to toe in water. 

"You knew the whole time?" Stiles questioned confused. 

My dad shook his head. "Only when it was confused by its own reflection."  

"It doesn't know what it is." Scott said in realization. 

"Or who." Derek commented. "What else do you know?" 

I shrugged lightly. "Just stories. Most of them Rumors." 

"But it's like us?" Scott asked, confused. "A shapeshifter? Yes" My mom responded.  "But it's-it's not right. It's like a..." she paused trying to find the right word. 

"An abomination." I finished for her. "Derek? Mr. and Mrs. Hale. We need to work together on this." Scott said. "Maybe even tell the Argents." 

"You trust them?" Derek said, appalled by the idea. "Nobody trusts anyone!" exasperated Scott. 

"That's the problem! While we're here, arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger, and faster than any of us, and it's killing people, and we still don't even know anything about it!" 

"I know one thing-- when I find it?" Derek said, it was more of an answer then a question. 

He turned dramatically, and answered as he walked away. 

"I'm gonna kill it." Oh brother. 

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