Masterplan - 3

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I peeked out from the corner and checked to make sure that there was no one in the parking lot. Seeing no one in sight I waved my hand forward for the boys behind me carrying Jackson in the body bag.

"Okay, go. Go, go, go, go, go!"

The boys scurried down the parking lot each holding an end of the bag, "Be careful!" I hissed anxiously. One wrong move and- thud.

I gasped and closed my eyes when Scott dropped his end of the bag, making a loud thudding sound when it hit the ground and making Jackson's body move. "Are you kidding me!"

We all looked forward when a car entered the lot and we shielded our eyes from the lights. I know that scent.

Chris Argent stepped out of the car and walked to us, and from the smell of it he was alone. "Argent," I acknowledged with a sneer as I took a step forward.

"Hale." Argent replied back in the same cold tone I did. What on earth is he doing here?

You could just feel the tension in the air. Our family's don't exactly have the best history. Scott broke the tension by deciding to speak up. "You're alone."

Argent nodded, "More than you know."

"What do you want?" I demanded. "I doubt your here to invite us to dinner?"

Argent straighten up and fixed his sights on me. "We don't have much in common Isabelle. But, at the moment, we have a common enemy."

I inhaled and looked him in the eye. Trying to sense if he was lying or not.

"Since when do werewolf's and hunters have a common enemy?"

"Gerard has twisted his way into Allison's head, the same way he did with Kate..." At the mention of his sister, my family's murder I tensed. I haven't heard her name in a while.

"And I'm losing her," Argent paused and looked to Scott and I was honestly relieved to not have to look him in the eye. "And I know you're losing her, too."

Of course those words had an effect on Scott, of course, and he nodded."You're right. So, can you trust us to fix this?"

Argent nodded, "Then, can you let us go?" I asked of him a raised eyebrow.

" car is faster."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"I think he stopped moving..." Isaac informed us as we all hoped out of Argents SUV. Riding in a hunters SUV, coincidently one of the cars that spent hours outside my house back when Derek was a fugitive, is something I never ever thought I would do.

"Where's Derek and your parents?" Argent asked me. I shrugged not knowing before looking forward when I smelled Derek's scent.

He was running on both hands and feet over to us, like a huge idiot. I sighed and grabbed the crook of my nose looking down, "I have never been more embarrassed by my family in my life."

I looked back up when Derek finally stopped running but he flipped and landed in a crouch with his eyes glowing red. I clapped my hands at his little show, "Nice one ballerina."

Derek rolled his eyes as he stood and glared at Argent who was beside me, "I'm here for Jackson-- not you." Argent assured him.

"Somehow, I don't find that very comforting."

"Well then get comfortable because we're on the same side." said my mom's voice as she appeared from inside one of the buildings, "Get him inside."

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