Raving - 3

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I wore a purple leather mini skirt and black top. My hair was in a tight ponytail and of course I wore my triskelion necklace. Stiles and Scott were able to get tickets for all three of us. When I asked how they replied Isaac. I don't even want to imagine.

"You remember the plan?" Derek asked my parents, me and Boyd. My parents and I are back in the pack, so we all met up at my place to discuss the plan. Isaac and Erica were on their way to the rave already and Scott and Stiles were on their way to come pick me up.

Dad nodded. "Drug your friend, find the master, and we make sure no one interferes." Mom nodded and we all exchanged glances.

"Let's do this."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

My parents, Derek, and Boyd took a separate car to the party and I had to wait for Stiles and Scott to pick me up.

The ride was awfully silent, which was strange. Normally by now Stiles would be freaking out about his part of the plan. But instead he was worried about something, actually he was feeling guilty about something. Scott noticed it to.

"You okay?" I asked Stiles as we got out the Jeep.

"Yeah, why?"

Scott shook his head and shrugged. "You just didn't say anything the whole way here." 

"No, I'm fine." He shrugged off. "Just one of you grab the other bag."

I shook my head at him. "We can't. Remember, Deaton said you have to do it alone." 

Stiles groaned exasperated. "Okay, this plan is really starting to suck."

"No. Not here. Not now!" Scott yelled before running away. What was that about? I chased after him as Stiles he yelled.

"What? Scott! Isabelle! What am I supposed to--? This plan officially sucks!"

I chased after Scott all the way into the party and figured out why he was acting this way. Allison was here with Matt. Oh no.

I yelped when an arm grabbed me by the elbow and pulled me to the side. I almost punch them till I realize it was Isaac.  "Oh my god, don't ever do that to a werewolf!"

He grinned. "Sorry, I thought you liked getting pulled away."

I glared at him and crossed my arms. "We need to talk about that."

He nodded. "Talk."

Here goes. "Isaac you're a great guy, but we can't keep doing this anymore." I took a breath. "It's been fun but I don't feel that way about you."

Isaac nodded. "You can relax Isabelle. It had to end at some point, it was fun while it lasted."

I cracked a small smile. "It was."

I muttered as my phone buzzed. I read the text message from Scott that read "Need to take care of something." 

I sighed. Great.

"Well. We're fine right?" 

He nodded. "Peachy." 

"Alright then," back to business. I pulled out the Ketamine and injection gun and showed it to him. "Here is your part of this plan."

"Why me?" Isaac asked as we huddled in a corner.

"Because Scotts said he had to go take care of something and Jackson doesn't trust me, that I don't want to seduce him."

I held up the injection gun. "look-- you better do it intravenously, which means in the vein. When you find him, pull back on this plunger right here." I showed him the parts.

"The neck is probably going to be the easiest. So, you find a vein, jam it in there, and pull back on the trigger." I hand it over.

"Be careful." I said intently.

Isaac scoffed. "Oh, I doubt it'll even slightly hurt him."

"No, I mean you." I corrected. "I don't want you to get hurt. Just Be careful. I might not feel that about you but I don't want you getting hurt." 

He nodded and walked into the crowd. 

I watched from afar as Erica used seduction on Jackson, so Isaac could inject him. My breath hitched as I heard the sound of claws and Jackson's desoriated voice saying. "She belongs to me."

Who the hell is she?

Isaac dropped the ketamine to catch Erica and Jackson walked off.

I panicked and rushed in, grabbing a hold of the ketamine and rushing after Jackson who walked towards the stage.

I came up from behind and injected him, right in the neck. The effect of the ketamine worked fast, knocking him unconscious. I caught him and handed him over to Isaac who came up behind me.

"This way." 

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