Restraint - 2

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I slammed my locker door shut and turned to look as Isaac. "What the hell do you want?" I questioned, turning away and walking down the hall before he could answer.

"What? I can't talk to you out of the goodness of my heart?" He questioned with an offended tone as he caught up to me.

"Do you even have a heart?" I said with a quirked eyebrow in his direction.

"Now that's just hurtful. I have a heart see."

He jerked me to a stop, grabbing my hand and putting it on his chest. I stared up at him as his heart beat under my hand. "See?"

I gave him a small glare, I had this feeling he wasn't telling me the whole truth. I closed my eyes and focused. Well he wasn't showing it.

I opened them again and snatched my hand back from him, staring right into those blue eyes. 

"Did Derek sent you to flirt with me?" I questioned, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

He smirked, "No. This is all me."

I licked my bottom lip and shook my head as I looked both ways across the hall before back at him. And did the most stupidest thing ever.

I shoved him in the janitors closet.

It was probably the stupidest thing I've ever done, I don't even know what came over me. If it was his blue eyes I have no idea. Do I want to discuss what we did in there no I do not. 

My ears instinctively picked up the sound of things crashing and I pulled away from Isaac. Pausing to listen again. "What?" He asked me confused.

Oh damn.

I reached down for my back and turned to him, "We never speak of this again."

I exit the janitors closet and broke into a run heading to the boys locker room, seeing Erica and Stiles in the hall and the water coming out.

I gasped when Scott crashed through the door with Jackson on top of him. "Jackson!" I yelled. Erica and I rushed in and grabbed Jackson, holding him back with our arms looped around while Stiles and Allison held Scott back. "Jackson stop it!" I ordered of the kanima, Erica and I pulling him back as he fought. 

"What the hells going on?" Harris asked as he came into view. That is what I am wondering. "Hey! Enough! Enough!" Harris yelled as from behind him Matt picked up a tablet. Hey that's mine. 

"What do you idiots think you're doing?" Harris demanded. "Jackson! Calm down!" He ordered and Jackson listen so Erica and I let him go. Mr. McCall, you wanna explain yourself?"


"You dropped this." Matt said from behind Harris, he handed it towards Scott but Harris snatched it away. 

"You, and you-- " He pointed at Scott and Jackson. "actually, all of you-- detention." My jaw dropped. "What?!" 

"Three o'clock."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

I was pissed we got detention. God, I hate Harris. He's the devil incarnate. My mother tried getting our detentions lifted but Harris is one stubborn, greedy, evil dude.

We all entered the library where he was waiting for our detention. Allison, Jackson and Matt got one table of the library. Erica, Scott, Stiles and I got another.

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