Ice Pick - 1

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"Isabelle! Stilinski!" Coach called for us. "Let's go!" Stiles and I walked to the rock climbing wall and started to strap on the harness.

"Hey Stiles." I said, turning to look at him. "Want me to go easy on you?" I questioned with a mocking eyebrow raised.

"You're on."

I grinned and as soon as Coach blew the whistle I was up and at them.

I climbed the wall rather quickly, scaling the wall. I reached the bell before Stiles, ringing it. I grinned back down at Stiles who grumbled incoherence as he rung his own bell.

I kicked back with my feet against the wall, holding on to my harness as it took me back down. I smirked at Stiles as we both got out of the harness. 

"Next time I'll go easy on you." I tease as we walk back to the group.

Scott and Allison went next, and Scott got their first before her with his speed, but she used her foot to kick him down, the harness caught him but it looked like if he had just had a panic attack.

"McCall, I don't know why," Coach crouched in front of him. "But your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right?" Coach mocked Scott as he started getting down from the harness.

"All right, next two! Greenberg, Erica, let's go! The wall."

When Erica got on the wall I could tell she was struggling.Greenberg had already made it to the top and back while Erica was frozen in place.

"Oh, please--" She pleaded.

"Erica?" Coach called to her. "Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear." Lydia said snidely. This girl honestly surprises me sometimes.

"She's just freaking out." Lydia clarified after Coach's confused stare.

"I'm fine." Erica said even though she was shaking.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe." I said to him. "You know, she's epileptic."

Coach looked around exasperated. "Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff???"

"Erica, y-you're fine. Just-just kick off from the wall." Coach called out to her. "Th-there's a mat to catch you. Come on."

Erica reluctantly let go, and came back down, taking off the harness as Coach tried to reassure her that she was fine.

"See? You're fine. You're on the ground. You're all right. Let's go. Shake it off. You're fine."

Everyone started laughing and I couldn't help but feel bad for her, none of this was her fault.

The girls and I headed to our locker room to change since gym class was now over.

"Do you think Erica's okay?" Allison asked as we started to change. I shrugged as I took off my P.E shirt and changed into my blue top.

"I don't know. I kind of feel bad for her, it's not her fault." Lydia appeared besides me, already changed.

"If you ask me, she shouldn't even be in gym class."

Allison and I gave her a pointed look. "What? She epileptic, you know I'm right."

I gave her a chuckle before I sensed some stress, like if someone was going to have an attack. I looked around the locker room trying to spot Erica but didn't see her.

Oh no!

I rushed out of the locker room and back into the gym, just in time to see Erica fall from the wall. I rushed in, grabbing her before she could hit the ground. I laid her on the ground, putting her on her side as she had her seizures.

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