Masterplan - 2

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"Oh couldn't you guys bring a bigger car!" I exclaimed as I shifted uncomfortably in the back seat of the truck.

My parents were up front, Scott and Isaac in the middle seats and I was squished in between Derek and Peter. The only car we could all fit in was the old family van, and when I mean old I mean old. This car's been sitting in the garage for years and hasn't been used since. It was a miracle they even got it working. It's a miracle it even worked.

"Maybe if you'd stop moving." Peter grunted as he shifted in his seat as well while also jabbing his elbow into me.

"You stop it!"

Derek shifted in his seat and stepped on my foot. "OW!" I exclaimed and stepped on his own foot. "What was that for?!" Derek exclaimed as he lifted his foot up.

"For stepping on my foot!"

"Oh you did too!"

"If you three don't stop arguing we'll drop you off here and you can walk the rest of the way!" My dad threatened from the drivers seat, staring back at the three of us from the mirror.

"Fine." I muttered as I leaned back into the seat and crossed my arms. Derek and Peters arms in the way. "This is still uncomfortable."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"So this is the famous Hale house?" Isaac questioned when we got out of the car. "Yup." I jumped out and stared at the houses structure, I'm surprised it still hasn't fallen yet.

"What exactly are we doing here?" I asked as we walked inside. "We're looking for our records." Peter answered. Records? I thought those had been destroyed after the fire.

My phone buzzed and I checked it to see it was a message from Stiles saying that he was alright and back home. Thank god.

"Oh! Oh!" I exclaimed and punched Scott in the arm repeatedly with excitement. "They found Stiles!"

"That's great." Scott exclaimed and I breathed out in relief as I slipped my phone into my back pocket, thank god, I don't know what I'd do if they hadn't found him.

"I told you, I looked everywhere." Derek told Peter who was crouched by the stairs.

Peter smirked, "You didn't look here." He opened up a secret compartment in the stairs and pulled out an old looking laptop. Of course there'd be a secret compartment in the stairs. Why wouldn't there be.

Derek frowned at it with crossed arms.  "What is that, a book?"

Peter scoffed, "No, it's a laptop. What century are you living in?"

My mom clicked her tongue at Peter with crossed arms, "I wondered where you hid that."

"What is it?" I asked both my mom and Peter.

"A few days after I got out of the coma, I transferred everything that we had." Peter explained as he checked the condition of the laptop. My mom nodded and smiled just a little, "Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones who keep records."

I sighed exasperated and looked up to the roof as they all headed for what is left of the living room. "This family will be the death of me."

"Um you guys?" Scott spoke up, making us all look at him. "My mom says something is wrong with Jackson."

"He's dead of course there's something wrong with him." I retorted and I'm about to join my family in doing research before he spoke again, "She means really bad. He's covered in something."

I sighed stopping in my tracks, "Alright. We'll go."

"Be careful." My dad called out as I swiped the keys from the table, "We will!"

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

We drove all the way to the hospital morgue to see what was so bad with Jackson's corpse and it wasn't what I expected. I expected to see I don't know maybe rigger mortis to set in not this.

"What's happening to him?" I asked disgusted as we all stared at Jacksons body. His hands were crossed over his chest, his claws were showing and for some weird reason his body was covered in goo.

"I thought you were gonna tell me!" Melissa said frantically. "Is it bad?"

"It doesn't look good." Isaac stated the obvious. I nod.

Jacksons body twitched and we all backed up in shock. "Whoa!"

"Uh, Mom, could you zip it up, please?" Scott asked panicked.

"Okay. Okay, okay." Melissa said exasperated as she took the zipper of the bag. "Okay, here we go..."

She moved the zipper up but when it came up to his face she had to pull it up and that's when Jacksons mouth opened and he hissed with his teeth, his lizard teeth.

"Mom, zip!"

Melissa nodded anxiously, "Okay, okay, okay, okay..."

"Zip! Zip, Mom! Zip! Zip!"

I shuddered in disgust and pulled out my phone. "I'm calling my parents to see if they have any answers."

And I hope they do.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"So what's wrong with him?" Dad asked when he picked up. Where do I even begin?

For one he's self obsessed, a jerk, an ass, down right rude, a kanima, dead, did I mention rude?

"He's in some kind of clear cocoon made from the venom in his claws." I told my dad over the phone and he passed the message along to Peter.

"They say he's in some kind of transparent casing made from the venom coming out of his claws."

"That sounds sufficiently terrifying." I could hear Peter say across the line. "He's also moving." I added when I noticed out of the corner of my eye Jackson move in the bag and Melissa, Scott and Isaac all backed up.

"They also say he's starting to move."

"Okay, look-- I think we found something." Moms voice could be heard.

  "Looks like what we've seen from Jackson is just the Kanima's Beta shape."

Beta shape? Are you serious? So does that mean there's an Alpha?

"Well meaning what? It can turn into something bigger?" Dad questioned.
"Bigger and badder." Peter said, sounding horrified.

"He's turning into that? That has wings!!!" Derek exclaimed at whatever they were seeing.

I blinked a few times in shock. "Did he just say wings?!"

"Isabelle, you need to bring him to us."

"Uh dad, I don't think there's time for that." I said with horror as Jackson's body kept moving inside the bag. Thrashing around.

"Look! Somebody actually made an animation of it." said Peter. "Maybe it's less frightening if we--"

I pulled the phone away from my ear when the animation video played a screeching sound rather loudly, "Nope. Not at all." Peter said in shock, "We should probably meet them halfway."

"Isabelle, get him out of there now. Go now!"

I sighed and nodded at the boys who had been listening to our conversation the whole time. "Don't gotta tell me twice."

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