Abomination - 3

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I sucked in my breath, trying not to laugh at the scene in front of me.

 "I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying. We'll get through this." I cover my mouth to stop a laugh from escaping. "Uh, I know, because I love you. I love you more than--" 

Stiles groans and cuts himself off, making it clear that he doesn't want to keep being Allison. 

"Oh, my God, I can't." I burst out laughing. "Oh," I wiped my tears of laughter from my eyes. "Neither can I."

Stiles nudged me. "You and Allison just have to find a better way to communicate." 

"Come on, you're the only one that we can trust. Is she coming to the game tonight?" Scott asked. 

With Gerard as the principle, Allison and Scott have been having a rough time communicating. 

I offered to lend Allison a burner phone since my family had a good amount of them but she refused because she said her parents would find it. So since they can't text, call or even email each other without getting caught Stiles has been playing messenger.

Stiles has been delivering messages between them back and forth, I'd do it but, Gerard. 

"Yes! Okay, message complete. Now, tell me about your boss." Stiles said. 

"He thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all the things that they've hunted, like a book." 

"He probably means a Bestiary." Scott frowned. "What?" 
"A Bestiary." 

Scott giggled at him. "I think you mean bestiality." 

"Nope, pretty sure I don't. It's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures." Stiles responded not amused. I nod. "He's right."

"How am I the only one who doesn't know anything about this stuff?" 

"Okay, you're my best friend, you're a creature of the night." Stiles told him. "It's kind of, like, a priority of mine." 

I snapped my fingers at the boys. "Okay focus people!" I clap my hands together. "We need to get our hands on that book" 

Scott nodded. "Okay. If we can find it, it can tell us what this thing is--" 

"And who." Stiles added.

The three of us spoke simultaneously. "We need that book!" We all said simultaneously, surprising us all. 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"You can't just rely on your new found strength in a fight," I said to Boyd as we walked with the crowd towards the field. There is a lacrosse game tonight which we are all attending. Mom thought that Boyd and Erica could use a break from training all day.

"You need to rely on your other strengths. Your speed, sight, smell. You need to use them all because that's how you'll win."

"Huh." Erica said as she came up next to us. "It's 9 o'clock on a Friday after school at a game and yet you still manage to act like a nerd."

I snarl at her. "Oh I'm sorry," I sassed. "I just wanted to make sure Boyd doesn't get killed by the hunters. You I couldn't care less."

Erica snarled in response so dad came between us before we could pounce. "Don't draw attention to yourselves."

Easier said then done dad. The four of them went up to the bleachers and I stayed behind. I went to our benched players on the bench.

I winced when #9 on our team fell back and hit the floor because of a member of the opposing team. 

"Come on, is that thing even a teenager?" Coach exclaimed. "I wanna see a birth certificate!"

Coach came over appalled by the kid. "Who or what is that genetic experiment gone wrong?"

"Eddie Abramovitz, Coach." I answered. "They call him 'The Abomination.'"

"Oh, that's cute." Coach muttered snidely. 

I cringed as paramedics carried one of our players away, muttering that he couldn't feel his legs. "That isn't."

Danny was the next man down. Coach rushed to him and held up 2 fingers I'm front of his face. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

Danny blinked once. Twice. "Four."

"Say two." Coach corrected.

"Two?" Danny said dazed.

Coach grinned. "Perfect!" He clapped him on the shoulder and hauled him to his feet. "Get out there. Come on--" He pushed him to the field. "get out there and have a stick!"

Oh no. Coach is in his rare happy bubble. That is going to be blown the second he realizes we're a player short. I have to tell him.

"We're still short one player, Coach." I remind him nonchalantly, moving back and forth on my toes.

Just like that his happy bubble broke and his smile fades. Smoke leaves his ears (not really) as he stomps his feet on the ground.

"Where's Stilinski?" Coach exclaimed. "Where's Stilinski?" Oh you know coach, Stiles is currently breaking into the principles office in school looking for a book that includes a list and documents of all supernatural creatures. 

Coach whirled around to the crowd looking for someone to replace our missing player. He pointing a finger to the back, at Boyd. Oh no. 

"You! You!" He called to him. "You play lacrosse?" 

Boyd almost jumped at the chance but Erica put a hand on his knee to stop him. 

"Absolutely not Boyd," My mom said sternly, she said it silently so only our ears could pick it up. Considering Gerard was with Allison on the next bleachers. "Uh-uh. Derek won't like this." Erica said, agreeing with my parents. 

"Yeah...but I will." Thank god I am hidden from few down here so Gerard didn't see my facepalm myself. Boyd stood up and removed his jacket, showing his form and Coach laughed delightedly. 

"Oh, hahaha!" He laughed. "We got ourselves a player!" This isn't going to end well. 

My phone rang and I picked it up seeing as it was Stiles ."Did you get the bestiary?" I asked. 

"Change of plans, you need to come get it." 


"It's just Lydia's crying and I want to be there for her." 

I made an incoherent sound, stomping my feet like a little kid. "Fine! I'll be right there." 

I met Stiles in front of the school and snatched the keys from his hand and pointed a finger. "You owe me!"

Stiles nodded. "3 tubs of ice cream tomorrow." I thought about the offer. "A month supply of ice cream." 

"A week." 

I shook his hand. "We have ourselves a deal." Besides. A weeks supply is a months supply. Ever since Stiles learned the truth he says that things have become more clear. Like my appetite. He went to go be with Lydia while I went to the school. 

It wasn't hard to break into the school at all. You'd think after the whole incident they would have put more security. I rushed to Gerards office and started digging through his stuff, trying to find the book. There was nothing just teacher stuff. 

I angrily slammed the last drawer shut. "Lovely it isn't here." I pulled my phone out and texted Stiles to text Allison and say the book wasn't here. Even though her parents know she knows what I am and that we were friends, I'd think her grandfather wouldn't be pleased that we're texting. At all. 

When I looked up I almost screamed because Erica stood there. 

"Gah what the hell!" 

Erica smirked. "Hello, Isabelle." 

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