Shape Shifted - 4

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"You wanna learn?" Derek said to Scott. It wasn't a question. "Let's start now." Derek held open the door to the basement.

I held in a gasp as I looked down the dark stairs down to the basement.

"Oh my god."

I could feel the fear down there, the anger, the sadness, but there was so much fear it was overwhelming.

"What's down there?" Scott asked when he noticed the horrified expression on my face.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I answered. "Motive."

"And what am I looking for?" Scott asked as he headed down.

I let Derek teach the lesson, "Follow your senses."

I shuddered, wrapping my arms around myself. The fear belonged to Issac, the anger to another man. His father. "What happened down here?" Scott asked.

"The kind of thing that leaves an impression."

When Scott got to the cooler in the back, Derek and I walked down. I walked behind him, not wanting to get close to the cooler. "Open it." Derek ordered.

The inside of the cooler was worse than what I thought. There were so many scratch marks everywhere, dried blood as well. Poor Isaac.

"This is why he said yes to you." Scott said in realization.

"Everyone wants power."

"If we help you, then you have to stop." Scott said. "You can't just go around turning people into Werewolves!"

"I can if they're willing."

"Did you tell Isaac about the Argents?" I asked Derek. "About being hunted?"

He nodded impatiently. "Yes. And he still asked."

"Then he's an idiot." Scott exclaimed.

"And you're the idiot dating Argent's daughter."

Scott looked at me and I shook my head, holding up my hands. "I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, I know your little secret." Derek told him. "And, if I know, how long do you think it's gonna take for them to find out?

You saw what happens to an Omega. With me, you learn how to use all of your senses." Scott raised his hand, claws extended without wanting them to.

"With me, you learn control-- even on a full moon."

Scott put his hand down. "If I'm with you, I lose her."

"You're gonna lose her anyway. You know that."


"I'm not part of your pack... But I want him out. He's my responsibility, too."

"Why? Because he's one of us?"

"Because he's innocent."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Derek and I had to leave because we had to help Stiles get Isaac out of the police station.

I didn't want to leave Scott, not on a full moon, but he made me go with Derek because partly he didn't fully trust him.

"Okay. Now, the keys to every cell are in a password-protected lock-box in my father's office." Stiles explained. "The problem is getting past the front desk."

"I'll distract her." Derek said, referring to the deputy.

Stiles interrupted, grabbing Derek's shoulder before he could get out of the car. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! You? You're not going in there."

Derek glanced from Stiles hand and back to him like at least 3 times. "...I'm taking my hand off."

"I was exonerated." Derek reminded him. That was true, because Kate was found to be the person who killed our family we put the animal accidents on her as well. So Derek was exonerated.

"You're still a person of interest." I remind him.

"An innocent person."

Stiles looked at him appalled. "You? Yeah, right!"

Stiles sighed when he realized he wasn't gonna be able to stop him. "Okay, fine. What's your plan?"

"To distract her."

"Uh-huh. How??"

"Heh. By talking to her."

I almost burst out laughing, which I did.

"Flirting?" I laugh again and wiped a tear from my eyes from laughing. "Okay. Sure when was the last time you flirted with anybody?"

Derek gave me a stone cold glare. "What are you going to open with?"

Derek opened and closed his mouth not saying anything. "Dead silence." Stiles said. "That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?"

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face." Derek said sniedly. I shake my head and pat their shoulders. "Let's go before I have to bury one of you in the woods."

Stiles and I made sure not to be seen when we entered the police station with Derek, we basically crawled in.

"Good evening, how can I help..." When the deputy saw Derek, she was taken back a little. "You?"

Derek smiled awkwardly. "Hi." At least he has that going for him. Stiles and I had our heads poked out from the front door, looking at my cousin's attempt at flirting.


"Um, I had a question." He stopped and smiled at the deputy. "Um, sorry, I'm a little-a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone--"

"--like me?" The deputy questioned.

I made a disgusted face.

"Oh, I was gonna say 'so incredibly beautiful," I cover my mouth to keep from laughing. "but, yeah... I guess that'd be the same thing..." Derek said sheepishly.

"He is never living this down." I snicker as Stiles and I sneaked past the front desk and headed to Stilinski's office.

Stiles made me look away when he entered the code of the lockbox but froze when he opened it.

"Oh crap." I muttered looking at the empty box and then hearing the sound of jingling keys.

Stiles and I ran down the hallway to not get caught red handed and almost crashed into a deputy. "Oh, uh, I was just looking, um..."

Stiles and I looked down at his leg and the blood coming from it with shock. "Crap."

I grabbed Stiles and we ran to the holding cells, pulling the fire alarm on our way as the guy limped after us.

When we got there, I looked up at one of the cells in shock since the door was blown open. Worry about that later.

I whirled around and extended my claws when the hunter entered, and I was about to launch myself at him before Isaac appeared out of nowhere and threw himself on him.

Isaac growled as he threw the hunter around. I could only watch in shock. He broke his arm before knocking him out cold. I rushed to the wolfsbane the hunter had dropped and smashed the needle with my foot.

Isaac looked over to Stiles who was huddled in a corner. I quickly step in front of him, claws out stretched. "Back off Issac."

We growled at each other and before Isaac could throw himself on me, Derek appeared and roared at him. His alpha roar. The roar made Isaac scared and he huddled against the wall, and when he looked back, his face de-shifted.

"How did you do that?" Stiles asked breathlessly.

I looked at Stiles with wide eyes and waved my hands around. "No! You didn't just-"

Derek looked back at him with a smirk. "I'm the Alpha."

I slap my hands to my hips. "And you did it."

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