Frenemy - 3

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"Scales? Like a fish?" Jackson said with disbelief. We were trying to convince him that it was the Kanima and that he was killing people but he didn't believe us. So far it was a bust.

"No, more like a reptile. Um, and, uh... your claws have this liquid that paralyzes people, and you have a tail."

"I have a tail?"

I nodded, rapping my fingers against my leg. "Yeah, you have a tail."

"Mmm. Does it do anything?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm.

Stiles shook his head earnestly. "No, not that I know of..."

"Can I use it to strangle you?"

I groaned and bang my head against the van wall annoyed. "Yeah, you still don't believe us." Time for the big guns. 

I clasp my hands together and rest my elbows on my knees. "All right. The night of the semi-final game-- what did you do right after?"

"I went home."

I nodded at him unconvincingly. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yes! What the hell else would I do?" Jackson exclaimed with frustration.

"You attacked me and Derek at the school, and you trapped my entire family in the pool!" I exclaimed. Having to hold onto Derek to keep him alive for more a bunch of hours was horrible.

"You also killed a mechanic--" Stiles added. "Right in front of me, by the way, that was lovely."

"And, one of Argent's Hunters." I added. I can't get the image of his body from my head. "Oh, and last night, you tried to kill Danny."

"Why would I want to kill my best friend?" Jackson questioned.

I shrugged not knowing the answer. I didn't know why he wanted to kill Danny. It didn't make sense, but nothing makes sense know adays. "Well, that's what Scott's out trying to figure out now."

"Mmm." Jackson said unconvinced. "Well, maybe, he should be trying to figure out how he's going to pay for a lawyer when I prosecute your asses all the way to jail!" Jackson yelled his face twitching.

I pursed my lips at him and leaned forward. "All right, well, tell me this-- on the night of the first full moon, what happened?"

Jackson sighed. "Nothing-- nothing happened."

Except something thing did happen.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"How do we make him believe us?" Stiles asked as he munched on a chessburger. I shrugged as I sipped my coke. "Unless we record him transforming I doubt he'll listen."

Like at all.

There was a small rustling noise behind the van behind us. I knew who it was immediately. "Hey Allison."

Stiles frowned at me before jumping five feet in the air when Allison appeared behind us.

"Oh, my God."

"They know." Allison said with panic.

I frowned in confusion. "What?"

"They know Jackson's missing." She exclaimed.

Stiles scoffed, holding up Jackson's phone. "No, they can't. I've been texting his parents since last night. They don't have a clue."

Allison shook her head. "My grandfather told me his parents went to the police-- they know."

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