Frenemy - 1

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When I turned around Derek was gone, sprinting down the street after Jackson. "Go!" I exclaimed as I began to push Stiles and Scott to the jeep. "Go go go!"

We jumped in the jeep and speed off after Jackson's scent. "I can't believe Jackson's the kanima!" Stiles exclaimed excited.

I could. Jackson has always been a snake. Looks like instead of turning into a werewolf he turned into what he was.

We followed his scent to some warehouses and Stiles stopped the car when we came to some spikes on the road. Blasted hunters. "What do we do now?" Stiles asked, Scott and I didn't answer instead we just jumped out the car.

I swung myself over the fence and started running with Scott behind me.

The sound of gunshots made me worry for both Jackson and Derek because that meant hunters.

When we got there, we saw Gerard standing in front of Jackson. And weirdly he wasn't doing anything. He just stood there as he circled him, not pulling out a gun or anything. I frown at the scene. Any hunter would have attacked by now. Why isn't he?

Scott shoved Jackson aside and he ran off, we stared at Gerard for a second, before running after him.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"What do we do now?" Scott and I jumped when Stiles appeared behind us. We were able to follow Jackson to a building, a club, but lost him.

"Holy cr--" Scott exclaimed startled.

"Wha-- sorry, I'm sorry." Stiles apologized for scaring us.

"Did you see where he went?"

I shook my head as I looked around the corner. "We lost him."

"What? You couldn't catch his scent?"

"I don't think he has one." responded Scott. Stiles sighed. "All right, any clue where he's going?"

"To kill someone."

"Ah. That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that." Stiles said sarcastically. "Good. Makes perfect sense now."

I turned to them exasperated and annoyed. "What?" Stiles said, noticing my look. "Izzy come on. I'm one hundred and forty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bone-- sarcasm is my only defense!"

"Just help us find it."

"Not 'it' -- Jackson." Stiles corrected me.

I sighed raking a hand through my hair. This is getting annoying. "Yeah, I know. I-I know."

"All right, but does he know that?" Stiles questioned. He looked at Scott. "Did anybody else see him back at your house?"

"I mean, I don't think so, but he already passed Derek's test anyway."

"Yeah, but that's just the thing-- how did he pass the test?"

That's what I was wondering. "I don't know."

I pursed my lips at both of them. "Maybe it's like an either-or thing? I mean, Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? When is the Kanima not the Kanima?"

"When it's Jackson." Scott pieced together. That still doesn't explain why Lydia wasn't affected.

Stiles waved his hands at us, motioning for us to come closer.

"Uh...guys? See that?" Scott and I backed up to see a tail snake it's way inside the club.

I gulped. All those people in there. "He's inside."

"What's he gonna do in there?"

Scott lifted his head catching a scent.

"I know who he's after."

"What? How? Did you smell something?" asked Stiles.


Oh no. Danny. We rushed to the back door of the club. "Aw, come on!" Stiles grunted as he tried opening the door and it wouldn't open.

"All right, maybe there's, like, a uh-like, a window we could climb through, or some kind of--"

I cut him off by breaking the knob off, handing it back to him as Scott and I walked in.

"Handle that we could rip off with supernatural strength? How'd I not think of that one?"

When we got inside I realized it was a gay club.

"Dude, everyone in here is a dude! I think we're in a gay club." Scott said coming to the realization as well.

We turned to see Stiles getting surrounded by the people who were stroking his head. "Man, nothing gets past those keen Werewolf senses, huh, Scott?"

I laughed. Stiles excused himself and we approached the open bar, taking seats on the stools.

"Three beers." Stiles ordered the bartender.

"IDs?" He asked.

The three of us pulled out our wallets and our ID's, I pulled out my fake ID. I used it in New York last time I visited. I used to sneak out with Laura.

He took our ID's and gave them a look before looking back up at us. "How 'bout two Cokes and one beer?"

Stiles nodded shaking his head to the music. "Rum and Coke? Sure!"

The bartender gave him a look that Stiles shook off. "Coke's fine, actually. I'm driving, anyway."

The bartender went and came with one beer and two Cokes.

"That one's paid for." We all frowned and looked over at a guy who held up a beer in our direction, well in Scott's direction.

I took my beer and smiled impressively as I took a sip.

"Oh, shut up." Stiles groaned when he saw Scott smiling.

"I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, well, your face did."

Stiles looked at the beer in my hands in wonder. "Let me see your ID." I shrugged and handed it over, he took it in his hands and examined it.

"This is a fake ID!" Stiles gaped at me. I shushed him as I took it back. "Why do you even have one?" I smirked at him.

"You people forget I went to New York every summer and winter. Do you really think I went just for sightseeing?"

Stiles grumbled as he drank his coke.

"Hey, I found Danny." Stiles said, pointing to the crowd.

"I found Jackson." Scott said, I followed his gaze to see Jackson on the roof of the club, right over Danny. Why does he even want him?

"Get Danny." I ordered Stiles, patting him on his chest. "What are you gonna do?"

Scott and I just drew out our claws in response. He nodded. "Works for me."

The smoke that was coming from the machines made it just a bit harder to see through the crowd then I liked as Scott and I made our way to Danny.

I tensed when I felt a werewolf near, an Alpha, Derek.

"Jackson!" Scott yelled when he spotted him next to Derek. My chest tightened aware of my cousin's intentions.

"No, don't!" He didn't listen and slashed Jackson's throat.

Everyone started screaming when they found six people on the ground paralyzed and started running away.

Jackson had run away, Scott and I went after him. We found him in the back of the club back to his normal form. I expected to see a large slash mark on his neck but there was nothing.

However he was hideously naked. I raised a hand to cover the sight from my eyes.

"What do we do with him now?"

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