Omega - 4

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"Dude, your nose! You okay?" I heard Danny whisper. I could hear when Jacksons nose started dripping onto the table. The little dropping sounds. And I could smell it, but it didn't smell like your average nose bleeding. It didn't smell like blood at all. It smelled like something worse. 

Jackson wasted no time in running to the bathroom, and after a few seconds of contemplating whether or not not to go after him, and eventually I went. Probably not the best idea. 

I knocked on the stall door that Jackson was in, the smell of whatever it was was stronger now.

"Oh, I'm fine, Danny. Just go back to class."

"Jackson, it's Isabelle," I correct, as he breathed heavily and rapidly. I knocked again when he didn't answer which made him frustrated. "Just give me a second, okay?" No. I knock once more and he yelled. "I said, give me a frickin' second!" 

I tapped my foot impatiently on the ground and had enough of his dodging. What the hell is he going in there? I had enough of waiting and ripped the lock from the door. I frown at how high the stack of toilet paper in the trash bin. I swear I saw some black ooze in it. I grabbed Jackson and pulled him out before he could yell at me. "What the hell is wrong with you?" 

I ignored his comment and looked him over, trying to see what was wrong with him. I couldn't see anything significantly wrong with him, but he looked pale. Paler then normal. "You're looking a little pale Jackson." I comment on his apperance. "You feeling okay?" 

"Never better." He said, but I could tell he was lying and I think I know why. I put my hands on my side and turned around. Spotting Derek.



I sighed and gabbed the crook of my nose. "I don't even want to ask what you're doing here." I'll just get an answer I won't like. 

Derek looked over to Jackson behind me, focusing on him. "If something's wrong, I need to know. You're with me now." I frown at them. He's with him now? 

"Wait-- with you? Me?" Jackson said incredulously. "With-with you?" I look between them. 

"What am I, your little pet? I mean, just because you gave me 'the bite' doesn't mean I'm part of your little wolf-pack"

My eyes went wide in shock as I turned to Derek. "You bit him!" He put a hand up. "We'll discuss that later."

Jackson shook his head at us before going back to what he was saying. "Sorry, but to be honest, you don't exactly show outstanding leadership qualities." Well. 

Derek looked back at Jackson grinning. "Is that so?"

"Look, I've got my own agenda...which doesn't involve running around the woods at night, howling at the moon with your family and McCall, okay?"

I scoffed at him, rude. I frowned when I saw black ooze come out from his ear. What the hell?

"So, why don't you just back the fu--" I grabbed his face with two fingers and turned him sideways so he could face the mirror and Derek and I could get a better look at his ear. 

My god. It looked like the ooze we get when we're hurt and our body's healing, but that doesn't make any sense. Jackson was clearly just bitten, and I can't see any bruise big enough to hurt him like that.

"What is it? What's happening?" Jackson asked in horrified confusion. 

"Your body's fighting the bite..." Derek answered as horrified as I felt. "Why?"

Derek slowly backed away into the shadows all while looking at Jackson. "I don't know."

"What does it mean?" He asked as he turned to look at Derek who was leaving.

"What does it mean???" He asked me instead. "I don't know. That- that shouldn't be happening" I stare horrified as his nose started bleeding. I rushed for the paper napkins and hand them over. He hurriedly used against his nose and I helped. I don't know how long we were stuck in the bathroom cleaning up Derek's mess but by the time we managed to stop it the bell had rung. 

"Go home Jackson." I ordered him, shoving him a few extra napkins just in case. "You shouldn't be here." He wasted no time in arguing and rushed out. I looked after him as he left. What the actual hell is going on?

I stayed behind a while to clean the mess of black ooze he left behind before leaving. Out in the hallway, students were mingling around and one particular conversation caught my ears while I was at my locker getting my stuff for next class. 

"Not her sister, her aunt." They were talking about Allison. Allison's locker was right across the hallway, she was hearing everything. "The one who murdered Mrs. Hale and Isabelle's entire family when we were like in 5th grade." Harley was saying to one of the girls in my English class. 

They were doing a pretty terrible job of keeping their voices low. 

"You mean the crazy bitch who killed the Hale family?" The girl corrected/questioned.

"Yeah, the fire, all those animal was her aunt."

"Are you kidding? I sit next to her in English."

"Find a new seat." They laughed at that and Allison who was over hearing, closed her locker rather loudly and stormed down the hall with a dress in hand. I could hear her heartbeat and how hard it was for her to be going through this. She doesn't deserve to suffer.

I closed my own locker and went down to Harley and the girl, stopping in front of them. "Hey Harley." 

"Isabelle we are so sorry for your loss." The other girl said when she saw me, I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes. I've heard that so many times today it's getting annoying.

"Leave the stories about our families out of your mouths." I told them both. "It's not your story to tell so don't you dare tell it."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

I ended up finding Allison before school ended. "Allison" I called out, stopping her in the hall.

Everyone in the hall turned to us, probably expecting some bitchy cat fight. We stood in the hall for a good few seconds awkwardly eyeing everyone who was staring.

I sighed and decided to make the first move and put my arms around Allison and she hugged me back. "You know I don't blame you for what Kate did right?" I said, parting from her. They were still staring but I didn't care.

"Well you should, I mean, I shot your dad and Derek," She said, whispering the last bit low enough that only my werewolf ears could pick up. "That was Kate's influence, it wasn't you. You know, we don't have to be our parents. All this hate, we can be better then them."

She nodded smiling, and I could sense her nervousness and sadness start to lift just a little.

"Yeah your right." I smiled and looked back at the prying eyes. "Okay shows over folks, thanks for watching, have a good day." I said with an exaggerated wave of my hand and bow.

Allison giggled and so did I as we proceeded to walk down the hall.

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