Ice Pick - 2

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I sat away from the group on my laptop. We were at the ice rink for their little date night. Which I wasn't about to ruin.

"Derek is an asshole." I said into the phone that was perched on my shoulder.
"Isabelle," My dad scolded. "language!"

"What?! It's true! He's turned 2 teenagers for power! What? Aren't we enough!"

"Derek will always be Derek. We can't change what's happened. We just need to make sure he doesn't turn anyone anymore."

I sighed and scratched my head. "Unfortunately."

I looked up and laughed when I saw Scott try and fail at skating.

 "Call you later dad, someone needs a lot of help." A lot.

I grabbed a pair of skates and put them on. I got on the rink and started skating towards him.

"You my friend, suck." He gave me a look that read 'Not helping'
I held an outstretched hand towards him. 

"You need help."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Don't lean backwards." I said to Scott. "Come on, it's just like riding a bike."

I skated forwards and spun in a circle. I actually missed skating. Every Christmas in New York my family and I would go skating. I gliding back to him and skidded to a stop using the brake.

How are you so good at this?" He asked with a groan as he slipped and fell again, Allison helping him to his feet. 

"You forget I spent every Christmas in New York. You learn a few things." I explained, going back to the exit and finding the matt.
I slipped off my skates and slipped back into my shoes, going back to my laptop. "You just need practice!" I exclaimed from afar as Allison and him both fell because of Scott. I laughed. "A lot!"

I was busy working on some homework on my computer and nearly dropped my laptop when Lydia let out a piercing scream, almost the same one like at the hospital. 

I had to go of my laptop, letting it balance on my lap as I covered my ears since the first scream she let out was the worst.

As soon as my ears adjusted, I set my laptop to the side and rushed to the rink.

I didn't put on my skates so as soon as I got on the ice I let out a yelp and slipped on the ice, landing on my butt. Darn freaking Ice

I used my claws to make my way over to Lydia and Stiles, who had his hands on her shoulders, trying to get her to stop as she practically clawed at the ice.

I crawl to them, taking Lydia by the shoulders. "Lydia!" She kept screaming even as Stiles and I tried calming her down. Scott and Allison arrived and tried their best to calm her down.

Okay maybe I just need to. I inhaled and then roared her name. "LYDIA!"

She suddenly snapped out of her trance and we all were relieved. She looked between us and our concerned looks.


•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

After that whole thing, we decided it was best to go home, so we did. School the next day was somewhat normal even though there was now another werewolf in the school. 


"Izzy do you see that?" Stiles questioned when he ran and slid into the chair next to Scott. I turned and saw an empty lunch table.

 "It's an empty table?" I said oblivious to what he was saying.

"Yeah, but whose empty table?" 

Scott and I exchanged shocked glances, seeing what he was going towards. "...Boyd."

The three of us left the cafeteria immediately and planned to look skip the rest of the school day and find Boyd before he made the worst decision ever.

"Scott and I are going to the ice rink, see if he's there." I state as we hurried down the hall. "And, if he's not at home," I look at Stiles. "you call me, got it?"

He nodded but he seemed so calm. Like if this wasn't something urgent. "What?"

 "Maybe we should let him..." he said a bit hesitantly. "Boyd, you know? You said Derek's giving them a choice, right?"

I looked at him with wide eyes. "We can't." I can't have another teenager to worry about. Look what happened to Lydia because of my uncle Peter, granted I trust Derek more then Peter, what he's doing will lead to the same road of hurt.

"You gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good..." Stiles said. "You know, the word 'sensational' comes to mind." 

I scrunch my face up at the comment.

"Okay first of all, ew!" I exclaimed grossed out. "Second of all, the Argents aren't going by their special little code!"

Scott nodded in agreement. "They will kill both Erica and Boyd." 

I nod. "All right." Stiles said. "All I'm saying is, maybe this one isn't totally your responsibility." 

"They all are." It was the truth. The second Erica was turned she joined the Hale pack. As much as it pains me to say it, she's in the pack now. "Derek turned them, That makes me and my family responsible." 

"And me." Scott chimed in. "And you." 

"All right, I'm with you." Stiles agreed. "And, I also gotta say," he smiled at me. "This new-found heroism is making me very attracted to you."

I gaped at him, I could practically feel my cheeks warming up. I almost couldn't get any words out. "Shut up." I said exasperated. 

"No, seriously! Do you wanna just try making out for a sec?" He jokingly asked. "Just to see how it feels?"

 I shoved him forward in offense and nearly laugh. "Go!"

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