Ice Pick - 3

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"Why is Derek growing the pack?" Scott asked as I drove my mom's car to the ice rink. I shrug. "I don't know."

Part of me thinks it's because he wants to get our family back to the spot it used to have. When we were respected and powerful. If you don't include Erica or Isaac our pack is only of four werewolf, considering Scott doesn't want to be in a pack. Add two more, three more, it's a pack of 7.

"I don't know why he's doing it. I just wish he would stop."

Truth be told we are safer if no one knows about us. Not if we're up high in the social latter. When we got to the ice rink Scott practically jumped out of the car before I had even parked.

We broke in from the back and wandered inside. Finding Boyd cleaning the ice on his machine. 

"Boyd," I called out, I put my hands up as a show of good faith. "We just wanna talk."

He didn't listen and kept cleaning the ice, driving away from us.

"Hey, come on. Boyd, please." Scott pleaded as we walked to him.

"Did Derek tell you everything?" I questioned him. "And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons-- I mean everything." 

"He told me about the Hunters." Boyd responded. 

"And that's not enough for you to say no?" I inhaled deeply. "Boyd who do you think started the fire that killed most of my family? The hunters did. And some of them were human."

Even as I said the words his facial expression remained the same. "Whatever you want, there's other ways to get it." 

"I just wanna not eat lunch alone every day." 

Oh poor guy. I frown when I felt three scents not far from us as Scott kept talking. "If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek."

"That really hurts, Scott." called out Derek, who feigned offense. 

He stood with Erica and Isaac, all wearing dark leather. What are they a biker gang? 

"I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus." Oh brother. "Erica, how's life been for you since we met?" 

She hummed in thought. "In a word? Transformative." Erica said dramatically, showing off her fangs. I roll my eyes.


Isaac smirked. "Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive...but, other than that, I'm great." 

I glared at my cousin, holding up a hand. "Okay, hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight." 

"Then go home, Isabelle." 

Scott and I just nodded and each other before transforming, claws and fangs out.

"she meant, fair for them."

Erica ran up first, claws extended. I raised my fists. She swung a claw at me which I dodge by leaning to the side. I grab her arm mid air, holding on as I punch her straight in the face. She retracts, holding her broken nose, I don't give her time to reassess and kicked her with my heel. Sending her flying to the side of the cleaning machine that sends her down.

Isaac started walking towards us angrily and just as Scott and I were going to pounce, Erica regained herself, grabbed my jacket and shoved both me and Scott against Isaac and he pushed us back. 

I slid against the ice, using my claws to hold my place. Okay I've had enough of this. Erica stormed up to me while Scott fought with Isaac. She roared and jumped on my back, digging her claws into my shoulders. I let out a startled roar as I fought to get her off. I manage to get a hold of her hair and yanked. She winced from the strain of me yanking on her hair so her hold on my shoulders loosened. I took advantage and gripped harder, and with all my might throw her off, slamming her into the ice in front of me.

Ow. She stared so I kicked her at the head to render her unconscious. Thank God.

"Don't you get it?" Scott yelled at the unconscious bodies of Erica and Isaac.

"He's not going this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay?"

I hated to admit it but it was true. "It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift, when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!"

I grabbed a hold of Erica and slid her back towards Derek as Scott did the same for Isaac and they landed at his feet. 

Derek shrugged, hands in his jacket pockets. "It's true. It is about power." 

I crossed my arms and tisked. "When is it not." He walked towards us, extending his claws. 

I breathed heavily. Just a few weeks  ago we were fighting side by side, now I'm fighting against him. 

He shifted and ran towards us, he dug his claws into my arm making me scream at the pain as he threw me back. 

I landed near Boyd and gripped my arm tight because of the pain. He didn't want to fight me, he wanted Scott. 

Derek was done with him rather quickly, and I couldn't do anything. 

I looked up at Boyd with pleading eyes as he got off the machine. "You don't wanna be like us." 

I mean just look at us. We're supposed to be a pack but we're fighting. Aunt Talia must be rolling in her grave.

Boyd nodded. "You're right," he lifted up the hem of his shirt, to reveal a mouth imprint. 

I hung my head defeated, we were too late. "I wanna be like you." 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Ow." I winced as I removed my seatbelt. Derek left Scott and I high and dry at the ice rink. Didn't even care we were hurt, much less hurt because of him.. Scott and I headed to Deaton's clinic since he was the town's supernatural doctor that was open 24/7.

"Why aren't I healing again?" Scott asked as we walked inside the vet.

"Because it's from an Alpha." I explained lightly as I looked at my own scars. 5 fingers all right. "Alpha scratches don't heal quickly."

"And you know this?"

"Training with Laura I'd get scratch a few times on accident." Ah, memories.

The two of us walked into one of the vet rooms and froze mid step when we saw a dead body on the examination table.

"Holy crap!"

Deaton stood next to the slashed up body. Scott looked at his boss with wide eyes.

 "...I think we better have that talk now." 

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