Restraint - 3

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Harris already left and Scott came back as well. He refused to inform me of what happened in the office since I doubted it had anything to do with school.

We were all 'shelfing' the books, but really we were telling Scott what we found in Erica's dad's documents.

"It means he was born after his mom died by c-section." Stiles explained to Allison and Scott. "They had to pull him out of her dead body."

"So, was it an accident, or not?" Allison questioned. I shrugged. "The word all over the report is 'inconclusive.'"

"Then his parents could have been murdered?" Scott stated with shock.

I nod. "If they were, then it falls in line with the Kanima myth, you know? It seeks out and kills murderers."

"But, for Jackson? Or the person controlling him?" Allison asked with a deep frown.

I nod. "For the one controlling him. The kanima is a weapon of vengance." And if he seeks a master no one would help their weapon before themselves.

"We have to talk to him. We have to tell him." Scott said.

Allison sighed "He's not gonna li--"

She cut herself off because he already rounded the corner. I sighed and followed him. Jackson would react terribly I know that much. I stop behind him, he was frozen in place. I look and saw a book lying on the ground. People are so messy. I go to pick it up and my eyes went wide when I saw Matt was lying on the ground with a cut on his neck.

Oh shit!

I shrieked when the Kanima jumped over the shelfs. My eyes glowing yellow in defense as I shielded my head with my arms as glass and sparks from the roof and books fell.

"Erica!" I yelled, calling for the blonde that was in the row next over.

I heard her roar before another crash. "UNGH!"

After hearing her scream I ran over to her. I found her collapsed on the floor, paralyzed because of Jackson. "You're gonna be alright." I held her close and from our spot I saw Jackson was back to normal. Somewhat. He was semi-human/monster. He had a tail. His face was mutant as he wrote on the chalkboard, all creepy like, not even actually looking at the board as he wrote. He just looked at us.

"Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you."

Is what the board read. He then ran away and none of us spared time to catch up to him.

I looked down in fear when Erica started seizing in my arms. "Guys!" I yelled for everyone. "Hey! I think she's having a seizure!" I exclaimed in panic as Stiles and Scott rushed over.

"He's alive." Allison said from the other bookshelf referring to Matt.

"Hey, we need to get her to a hospital." Scott said about Erica.

I shook my head at him. "No, we have to get her to derek." I argued.

"But-" Erica cut him off. "Derek..." She aggreed with me. "Only to Derek."

"Go." Allison ordered when she saw Scott's complementing look.

Scott took her from my arms and we hurried away.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

I drove Stiles' jeep all the way to where Derek was hiding out since I knew where it was. They weren't exactly surprised when the place was abandoned and had a horror vibe.

"Derek!" I yelled as we rushed down the steps into the station. I had called him on the way to expect our arrival.

"Hold her up." Derek ushered us as we ran inside the old train cart.

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