Shape Shifted - 2

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"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Scott asked me confused. We were in Chemistry class, trying to figure that out. It didn't take a genius to know Derek had done it. It was what he was there for.

"Well for one Isaacs young, which means he'll just get stronger and faster." I state. "He probably gave him a choice, we just need to figure out why Isaac said yes in the first place."

I looked looked Stiles. "Doesn't being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?"

"Well, not unless they have solid evidence. Or a witness." Stiles eyes sparked in realization, he whirled around in his chair, turning to look at Danny who sat in the back.

"Wait-- Danny, where's Jackson?"

"In the principal's office, talking to your dad."

"What? Why?"

"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac?" Danny responded condescendingly.

I huffed out a breath. "Witness."

"We gotta get to the principal's office."

"How?" asked Scott.

I grinned and ripped a page from my notebook and crumbled it into a ball. Harris was writing on the board so I used the opportunity to throw it at him.

"Everyone, please turn to page seventy-three-" Harris was cut off when the paper ball hit him in the back of the head and he whirled around.

"Who in the hell did that?" Harris demanded. I pointed to Stiles, who pointed to Scott who pointed to me. And that's how we ended up going to the principal's office.

Scott and I pressed our ears against the office wall to hear better.
"Listen to me-- you're telling me that you knew Isaac's father was hitting him?" Stilinski questioned in utter surprise.

Jackson scoffed. "Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him."

"Did you ever say anything to anyone? A teacher? Parents? Anyone?"

"Nope. It's not my problem."

What an ass.

"No. No, of course not." Stilinski replied sarcastically. "You know, it's funny that the kids getting beaten up are always the ones who least deserve it."

I smiled at that. "Yeah...." Jackson stopped himself when he realized what he had heard. "Wait, what?"

Stilinski sighed. "I think we're done here."

When Stilinski came out of the office, Stiles snatched the magazine from my hands and used it to cover his face but was a bit too late. Stilinski saw him.

He opened his mouth to say something but decided to keep it closed. "Hi Isabelle, Scott." He greeted us.

"Hi." I said with a sheepish wave of my hand. He took one look back at Stiles and shook his head as he walked off.

"Boys..." We all turned our heads and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I saw Gerard standing there. "And lady. Come on in."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Scott, Stiles and I, sat uncomfortably in our seats. Principle Argent.

What the hell happened to principal Thomas?

I swear I saw him last week.

Gerard read from each of our files. "Scott McCall. Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete."

He put Scotts folder down and picked up mine. I want to rip it out of his hands, he has no right to go through my file.

"Isabelle Hale. I see your grades are exceptional. But no extracurriculars."

I shrug. "Well, I'm not an athlete."

"Mr. Stilinski. Oh, perfect grades, but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse?" Gerard suggested. I stifle a laugh.

"Oh, actually, I'm already--"

"Hold on." Gerard said interrupting Stiles and looked at Scott who was keeping his head down. "McCall. You're the Scott that was dating my granddaughter."

Oh God.

"We were dating, but not anymore." Scott began to ramble nervously. "Not dating, not seeing any of each other, or doing anything with each other at all..."

If it wasn't for the hunter in front of me I would have face palmed myself.

"Relax, Scott. You look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth."

Scott chuckled awkwardly. "Just a hard breakup..."

"Oh, that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me." Gerard put the files away and folded his hands on the table. "Now, listen, guys. Yes, I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy."

I glared at him, tapping my fingers on the chairs armrest. "Really? Is that so?"

"However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So, unfortunately, someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention."

Scott and I slowly turned our heads at Stiles who was looking ahead. When he noticed our looks he looked back exasperated. "Fine."

Gerard nodded pleased. "You can go now." We jumped at the chance to leave, grabbing our bags and rushing out. I was half a foot away out the door when Gerard called for me. "Miss Hale. Could you stay for a moment."

I closed my eyes shut. Damn. I slowly turned back around, leaving the door open. If I was going to be brutality killed I wanted at least someone to hear me.

"Isabelle Hale." I take a seat. "My, you look so much like your parents."

I faked a smile. "Thank you I guess."

I tapped my foot on the ground and shot up. He wanted this for god's sake.

"Okay, I can't do this anymore. Where is Principle Thomas?!" I demanded from him.

"Principle Thomas is taking a deserved vacation." Gerard said.

I gave him a skeptical look and crossed my arms. "Really? Is that true or is he rotting away somewhere?"

He chuckled. "We aren't killers."

I laughed fakly. "Tell that to my family."

"Do your friends know what you are?" Gerard asked me. I knew who he was referring to. And like hell was I going to tell him the truth.

"Scott and Stiles don't know. I've known them since kindergarten. I've been hiding my secret for a long time. I know better then to tell humans, they only other one who knows is Allison."

"Right, and you two are friends."

"More then our family's will ever be."

I adjust my book bag strap on my shoulder. "Are we done now?" I asked in a bored tone. "I have to get home."

Gerard nodded and without waisting a second I ran.

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