Abomination - 4

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"Get your claws off me!" I exclaimed, pulling back from Erica's grip. She really just grabbed me and dragged me through the halls of the school. 

She led me to the pool where Derek stood waiting with a basketball in his hands. "Isabelle." 

I folded my hands in front of me innocently. "Derek." 

"What did Stiles see at the mechanic's garage?" Wow this family doesn't waste time. 

I shrugged and crossed my arms. "Mechanics? Cars? It's a mechanics garage for a reason." 

Derek dug his claws into the basketball, popping it. I rolled my eyes. "Lets try that again." 

I scowled at him. "I hate you." 

We glared at each other before I let out a sigh, I wasn't going to get out of this. 

"Fine." I slap my hands on my sides. "I only know what he told me. The thing was pretty slick looking. Um, the skin was dark, like a reptile, and its eyes were slitted and yellow oh and it had a tail." 

I nod. "Are we good? Great cause I have to go make sure Boyd doesn't do anything stupid so." I stopped myself short when I saw the look on their faces. They were staring up, frozen in place. 

I grimaced and closed my eyes. "It's right behind me. Isn't it?" They didn't answer so I turned around and took a few paces back to see the creature. It was on all fours, green looking skin, yellow eyes and black cat irises. Stiles did not describe it looking like that! 

Derek let out a growl as it dropped from the second floor to the first. It pushed Erica to the side and she hit the wall and passed out. 

Derek pushed me back which resulted in him getting slashed at the neck. "Derek!" I exclaimed in a panic as he fell. 

I dove after him before he touched the ground, putting his arm over my shoulder. Oh god he is heavy. "Where is it?" Derek asked as I dragged him away. Trying to run away. 

"I don't know." I exclaimed. "I'm a little busy." 

Despite what I just said he kept pestering. "Hurry. Call Scott. Call Andrea and Nathan! Someone now!" 

"God hold your horses!" 

I pulled out my phone with my free hand and between pulling Derek I dropped it. Damn. When I reached down to get it, Derek slipped from my grasp and fell sideways into the pool. 

"ISABELLE!!!!" I whirled around when we yelled out my name and he splashed in the water. Oh damn. 

I looked between my phone and the pool. On the one hand, wait. Am I really about to point out the pros and cons of leaving my cousin in the pool and getting the phone? Yes I am. Now on the one hand, we need the backup. I can't exactly drag his sorry ass away from here. On the other other hand, I can't stop this monster without him. And well- I can't let him die either. Dammit! I left the phone and dove in the pool. 

I swam after him, when I finally reached him he was barely awake. I grunt as I grabbed his arm, it was getting hard to stay down. I gasped for breath when we came up to the surface, coughing up some water. 

We were both now totally drenched in water, my clothes clinging to my skin. I had a massive wedgie. 

"Where did it go? Do you see it?" I asked, struggling to look around since I was holding onto Derek. "No." 

"Okay, maybe it took off?" I said, trying to be optimistic, but then of course the creature let out a scream. "Maybe not." 

"You get me out of here before I drown." Derek demanded. 

I gasped at him. "You're worried about drowning?" I laugh, kicking my feet under water to stay afloat. "Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor sharp teeth and venom!?" 

"Did you notice I'm paralyzed from the neck down in eight feet of water?" Derek yelled irritated. 

"No! I didn't notice." I sassed. "Maybe this is karma for turning 3 teenagers over your family!" 

"For the last time I did it for our survival!" 

"Oh I don't know about that. Mom, dad and I were fine in beacon hills with Laura as the alpha in New York!" 

I started to swim for the ledge when I heard it scream again. I sawm back when it appeared. It circled around in front of us, snarling and everything. 

"What the hell is it waiting for?" I questioned, tightening my hold on Derek because I felt he was slipping. 

The creature approached the pool and put a hand in. It shrieked and pulled away. I frowned at the image as he walked away. "Did you see that?" Derek asked. I nod. "I don't think it can swim." 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Isabelle?" called out my mom. "Derek?"

I perk my head up at my parents voices. "Mom! Dad! Over here!" 

They ran in and frowned at the sight of the two of us stuck in the pool. "Hi." 

"What are you two doing?" The sound of the creature's scream made them whirl around and spot it. 

"Oh, that explains it." My dad muttered. Dad drew out his claws and leaped for the creature, they tumbled and they each managed to get a slash in. The creature bled and my dad fell back paralyzed. 

"Jump him!" Derek yelled as my mom grabbed a hold of my dad and dove in the second pool since it was closer. 

What a predicament, the entire Hale family stuck in a pool because of some reptile creature circling us. How the mighty have fallen. 

"Where the hell is Scott?" I asked my parents. "Scott went for dinner to the Argents."

My eyes went wide and so did Derek's. "What?" Is he insane? If Gerard finds out what he is, they'll kill him. But not before I kill him first. I struggled to kick my legs a little faster to try and stay afloat. 

 "Okay, okay..." My head went under before I could finish, I jump with a kick and resurface. I coughed up water. "I don't think I can do this much longer." 

"No, no, no. Don't even think about it." Derek said as he pretty much guessed what I was going to do. "Can you just trust me!" 


I scowled at him. "You don't trust me. I don't trust you. You need me to survive, which is why you are not letting me go." 

I pursed my lips before letting him go. He should have seen it coming. 

"Isabelle!" Derek yelled before he started to sink. I swam rapidly to the edge and crawled out of the pool. I almost slip because of the water but I managed to snatch my phone before the creature could stop me. 

"Who are you calling?!" Mom called out from the separate pool as I jumped in the pool. "Scott!" 

I swam away from the edge and called Scott. "Scott!-" I exclaimed when he picked up. 

"I can't talk right now!" Scott whispered back with urgency. I gasped at the phone when it beeped. Scott did not just hang up on me! 

I looked between the phone and back down at Derek, contemplating to call Stiles, but he'd probably not even answer since he was with Lydia. I yelled in exasperation and threw the phone down. Ugh! I took in air and swam down. Derek had the most angry look on his face when I reached him. 

I gasped for air hen we reached the surface. I cough and spit out water. "You idiot!" Derek yelled as he coughed. "You're the idiot!" 

"Tell me you got him." My dad yelled. I grunted as I held Derek tight. "Not really!" I'm gonna kill him. 

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