Party Guessed - 3

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I think I've gone through 5 or 6 cups of punch to get me through this party with Jackson being here and probably his master. I was starting to get dizzy from the drink, which was weird considering I can't get drunk. I'm not the only one who feels this way because Scott looked dizzy as well.

"Are you feeling okay?" Stiles asked the both of us as we stumbled.

"It's not the moon-- it's different." I muttered walking away. 

My vision blurred with every step I took. What was happening? Werewolf's can't get drunk because of our healing. This shouldn't be happening. 

With my next step my family appeared in front of me. My parents, Derek and Laura, Peter, the rest of the family that was burned alive in the fire. They hung their heads low, they were bloody and cut up. Save Peter and the rest of my family that were burned in the fire, they were burned. The only other one who was different was Laura and Aunt Talia, they were in werewolf form. Standing still in front of the pack. My heart pounded in fear as I didn't understand what was going on. This should be happening. Peter and Laura and the others are dead! They shouldn't be standing here. 

In a blink of an eye Gerard appeared in front of them, holding that sword he used on the omega. He pointed it at me and with his free hand motioned to my family. "I will destroy your family like you destroyed mine." 

I'm to scared to even come up with a comeback, there was a lightning strike that hit my family, engulfing them in flames. Then they fell in half into the fire, burning up. I dropped the cup in my hands and screamed, dropping on my knees at the scene in front of me. Just like it appeared it disappeared. 

Everyone was looking at me, I swallowed the lump in my throat. Fear. What just happened? I raked my hands through my hair and wiped the tears that pooled in my eyes. How did this happen? It was an illusion but it felt so real. How did I even-? I stare at the now empty cup on the floor. I run a finger along the inside at the punch and sniffed it. Wolfsbane? But that's- that's impossible. Lydia. 

I wiped my smeared eye liner off and regained myself. "Isabelle!" I stood when Scott called for me. Scott rushed over with the same worried look on his face. "What in the hell is in those drinks!" He exclaimed when he reached me. "Wolfsbane." 

But where in the hell did Lydia get it? I clutch his arm, "We need to find Stiles."

I bit my nail in worry as I looked around, spotting Stiles by the pool. He sits against the wall passed out. "There!"

We both rushed over and I got on my knees . I put my hands on either side of his face and slapped him lightly. "Stiles, look at me." 

Scott grabbed a water bottle that I took and waved it in front of Stiles' face as if that was going to get him sober. "Drink the water, Stiles." 

I groan and slapped him again. "Drink it. Something's happening." 

"We need you to sober up right now." Scott told him. "Come on, Stiles!"

"What do you think you're doing?" A girl I knew who's name was Danielle asked, poking her head around the corner. "You wanna sober him up fast that's not the way to do it."

"You can do better?" Scott questioned. She scoffed a bit, "I can do best boy!"

She grabbed Stiles by the shirt and dumped him head first in the pool. I gasped not expecting that and so did Scott. 

She pulled him back up wide awake and looked at him. "Woo! How do you feel?" Stiles blinked various times. "Like I might have to revisit my policy on hitting a girl."

"He's sober."

With Stiles now sober we went to go find Lydia. Only problem was she wasn't anywhere to be found. I checked the bowl of punch at the refreshments table and found the punch with small purple petals. Wolfsbane. How did she even sneak this in here without me noticing? 

I rejoined the boys to see their progress. 

"I can't find her." Stiles told us. "And anyone who drank that crap, they're freaking out." Stiles informed. 

I nod in acknowledgement. "I can see that." I take a look around at the commotion and people throwing themselves in the pool. They were acting nuts. 

"What the hell do we do?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know, but we gotta--" I cut myself off when some yelled after splashing in the pool. "I can't swim!"

The three of us froze and whirled around, looking at the person struggling to stay afloat. "No, no, no, no, stop, guys!" The person begged. "I can't swim! I can't swim! I can't-I can't--" Surprisingly, Jackson was the one to help the guy out of the pool, and I held back my gasp when it turned out to be Matt.

It's him. Jackson would never really help anyone. 

"What are you looking at?" Matt yelled off everyone who stared. He started walking but stopped in front of us, he was drenched in water and glared at us. I sized him up. He knew we knew. I could smell it on him. As much as I would like pounding his ass on the ground I can't because his protector is here and so are a bunch of people. He pushed past us and left. And soon we heard the sound of sirens.

"The cops are here! Party's over!" Someone yelled before everyone started screaming and scattering.

Scott and I ran outside to try and find Matt.

He stood on the road, glaring at us with Jackson as the kanima at his feet. He left with the many people who ran past him left and right, Scott and I exchanged glances.

Oh crap.

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