45.3:"Measuring the worth".

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She stumbles back as the people crowded around him praising him and she turned to no one in a blink of an eye.

She watches him taking steps towards her painting in the middle but before that his eyes turned to meet her and she feels her breathing knocking off.

"Take a deep breath". Hamza said standing beside her, "Don't look like you lost something".

She breath heavily turning to look at Hamza as she tries to calm herself down.

"D-Did you call him--". She started when she found Shah Nawaz standing in front of them

"I want to buy that masterpiece". Shah Nawaz said

"It isn't for sale". He said clenching his hands

Shah Nawaz smiles, "Is it not?. There is always a price for everything, I am sure you can sell that to me".

His eyes turned hard as he moves to stand in front of her hiding her away from Shah Nawaz vision, "Not everything has a price, something is too valuable to be sold".

Shah Nawaz laughs wholeheartedly and the dumb people follow behind him for no reason.

"I bought it once". Shah Nawaz said as his voice darkened

He chuckles, "That was when no one knows about how valuable it can be. A diamond takes time to be discovered in a coal mine".

"Are you sure your diamond is precious?". Shah Nawaz asked, "Because all I know is, it lost it's worth becoming nothing".

Her eyes met with her ex-husband who didn't look ashamed of anything he had put her through. She feels the burning inside of her body and this is the first time she wanted to truly scream at him.

"The more I see the more I feel like there will be no worth ever for this so-called diamond of yours". Shah Nawaz said straightening his expensive suit, "Keep it safe or someone might take it away".

Shah Nawaz walked out of the gallery and she stumbles hitting the wall behind her. She doesn't know it was all planned and she wasn't even looking forward to coming face to face with anyone from that house.

She raised her head looking at Hamza accusing, "Why did you do that?".

"I wanted to show you". He said calmly which only added to her annoyance

"Who gave you the right to interfere in my life?". She snapped as she pushed him aside running out of the gallery

She runs for a long time until she finally got tired of her running falling on the ground. She started to cry as the people just walk by her but then she saw a familiar pair of shoe in her sight.

She raised her head to find her ex-husband standing in front of her looking at her with disgust.

"I cannot believe you did everything just to become this miserable. I was hoping at least you will be more...". Shah Nawaz said looking at her over, "Stronger?. Since you acted like that before. If this is what you wanted to come down to, why did you do act up?".

"GET LOST". She screamed angrily bringing attention to them, "Get your disgusting face out of my sight".

She turned around starting to run when she finds Hamza standing in a distance looking at her shaking his head.

She looked back at Shah Nawaz as her fist clench, "You and your family took everything away from me yet you dare to speak down on me?".

"Haven't you heard that the population of women is increasing every single day?. What made you so sure that your leaving will even hurt a hair on our head?. There are hundreds of women who want to be in your place". Shah Nawaz said smirking

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