61.1:"To breathe"

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He checks the watch on his hands irritated by the gossiping parties (peoples) around him.

He shouldn't have been here.

He could decline. He just wants to be here to suffer. Why are weddings so hard anyways? Why is it so special?

He had done it. He did not in fact like it.

He doesn't have to do extravagant weddings to show his wealth. He is sure people can know the status of his wealth by his name.

Hani Ibrahim. Raja Sahab of his area.

He was never an ordinary man. He was the oldest of five siblings. He was born to Ibrahim Quraishi who was the head of oil refineries and building companies around the country. Wealth was something he had in his hands even before he opened his eyes to this hideous world.

He just never saw an appeal in it. The more he spent, the more his greed exceeds. The more he spent on someone, the farther they went from the sight of their life.

Just like his siblings.

"Look at her". He heard someone say, "So shameless".

He turns to a few ladies sitting at a table eating away as they collectively glare at someone in distance. While he has mastered the skill of blocking out any unnecessary gossip somehow he couldn't let this one go.

His green eyes narrow at the figure in the distance. She was wearing the most ordinary clothes (trust him on the judgment because he has seen everyone here) yet she looks better than anyone else. She wasn't showing off as many others. She wasn't underdressed or overdressed. Just a balance of both.

Her lips were pursed as she listens to the young lady beside her babbling about something and her body was stiff. Something he does to not appear friendly to people.

Honestly, he despises people.

It is the deep loathing he found in his heart when he was a ten-year-old boy. He realized that people aren't worth a dime. They are too many for no reason or purpose.

"Isn't that her ex-husband number three?"

He frowns at the words as he found a man walking toward her. Her eyes narrow similar to how his eyes narrowed at her as she watches the man speak whatever nonsense he was going about.

If he was an ex, why was he talking to her? No, why was he even looking at her? For all he knows, this man was no longer allowed to look at her.

He is a hypocrite. Because he was looking at her just a moment ago. He averted his eyes sending an apology as he moves away from the gossiping group to the other end.

About an hour after the food was open, he decided to leave. Since everyone was busy eating no one will focus on him.

"Hani". He heard his mother's old voice call just as he turns to leave, "Come here".

He sighs.

He went to his mother not looking beside her where he knows his cousin is standing. It was a habit he learned years ago. Do not look at women who are not your mahram. For his sake, for his creator's orders, he did that all the time.

He stands still as his mother places a hand over his shoulder, grinning, "We were just talking about how much Sarah has grown".

He nodded.

"We were actually looking for a potential candidate for her". Sarah's mother unhelpfully added

"I was suggesting to her mother that maybe you can be the potential candidate". His mother unhelpfully added

Sarah is eighteen, for God's sake.


"Why not?" His mother argued

"Because she needs to live her life. She needs education before she ever sets foot in a relationship. She needs skills and confidence". He took a deep breath, "And because she could be the same age as my child. If I had any that is".

He is thirty-six years old. An old man. While she is just a baby.

"Excuse me". He said, marching away with anger building in his body

The main reason for this anger is the fact that after all these years, people still want to marry their children at a young age, especially girls. Girls are a blessing from our creator.

The anger built into his body and reached his head. He halted when he heard someone talking. He turns around to find the same woman talking to a bunch of stray cats as she feeds them.

"You know you shouldn't take all that chicken from the wedding food just to feed some stray cats".

He should not speak ever again.

Her head snapped at his words and her eyes narrowed, "At least they will be more grateful for the food unlike those people inside". Agreed, "Just FYI, judgy, I am not taking extra and feeding them. I took my share that I fed these cats. Are you satisfied now?"

"Irsa". He heard someone say and in a blink someone pushed him back

He took a moment to balance himself before his eyes narrow at the same ex-husband of hers.

He brushes his clothes glaring at the man (ex-husband) who looks between the cats and her with clear disgust.

"You will catch germs. I told you that so many times".

"I told you more times to stop talking to me".

"It's just a simple thing. Why are you complicating everything for us".

"There is no us". She snarled, "Get out of here. I will never do anything for you".

"You are not thinking properly. I understand you are immature but this is the limit. Think about Sudur".

It was like a switch clicked in her mind because he saw how murderous she got in a matter of seconds. Yet, the bastard didn't realize and kept digging his grave. He wouldn't mind seeing some action so he lean on the wall.

"You are young. I understand. But you can't work and take care of Sudur all her life. She is disabled. Do you understand what that means? You will need to take care of her even after you are dead. Women can't do that. You can't make your wealth or earn enough to provide that".

He saw it before it happens. She swings her leg hitting the middle of his legs and he screech as he went to the ground. He winces because he knows how that must felt. But he didn't care enough to sympathize with the bastard.

She places her leg on his foot twisting it so he screams more, "Don't you ever speak about my daughter that way. I am not going to waste my energy with a bastard like you".

She took the words right out of his mouth.

Just as the rage-filled bastard tried to advance on her, he pushed him back stepping in front of her.

The bastard opens his mouth, "Who are you? Her next?"

He smirks, "Her last".

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