58.4:"Lost in doubts"

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"Why are you crying?" A ten-year-old asked as he sits beside a young sixteen years old girl, "It's ok. They hit sometimes but it is ok".

"It is not ok". The girl shrieks, "They took me away from my home. I was heading back from school when they kidnapped me".

"Oh". He said, confused because all the women here were kidnapped

Was it something bad?

"And they told me that I am to wear these disgusting clothes and please the men who will come here. I will never do that". The girl wails holding his small hands, "Please save me. I don't want to do this, please. I will kill myself than do this. I want mama. I want Baba. Please".

He heard the loud sounds outside of the door and in a moment the door opened with his mother and her right man- Usman walking in with their sinful smirk.

"You met my son?" His mother said and the girl looks at him horrified as he leaves his hand, moving back in fear and he felt his heart hurt, "He didn't tell you?"

His mother holds his hair, dragging him to stand, "This bastard is my son. A weak bastard".

Usman laughs as he holds his collar pulling him away from his mother, "Honestly. Why did you even have him?"

"Weak days. I thought if it was a girl I can use it perfectly".

"We can still use him".

"No". He wails as he struggles against their hold and he finally manages to free himself as he ran

Just as he near the door he turns around to find her eyes. He knows those eyes.

'I will kill myself rather do what they want

He has seen it happen all the time.

"Tauheed's sister?" Yazeed laughs as he explained what happened and his nightmare still plagues his mind, "Aima is-is-". He continues to laugh at his misery, "His punch was good".

Yeah. He did get punched. He saw Aima crying before she left. And she was shaking too. He did take the punch because he was shocked. But more than a punch that the last look in her eyes killed him.

"Is Tauheed good with his sister?"

Yazeed sober pretty quickly, "Good? Have you ever seen how he gets crazy over her? She lives in his heart. Maybe even soul. He never lets anything that can harm her near her. He takes care of her more than I have seen brothers cares for their sisters". Yazeed pauses, "Probably that's why he punched you. You are a potential threat, he knows. He also knows how you function. He or even if I was in his place wouldn't allow my sister near you".

"Because I am a monster? He mumbles, "Monster doesn't deserve happiness. I should have known it was too good to be true".

He leans back on Yazeed couch watching Yazeed worrying over him. They heard the doorbell as Yazeed went to answer and came in pretty pale.

He raises his eyebrows, not in the mood of words and he turns to find Tauheed glaring at him.

"Let me ask you again". Tauheed said, clenching his hands, "Why did you go after my sister? Was it because you lost the bet?"

He purses his lips, "I didn't even know she is your sister, Tauheed. I met her by accident and she-". He pauses, not sure if he wants to share her panic attacks with him, "I teach in her university some days so I was just speaking to her about work".

Tauheed pauses, "You have been teaching there for how long?"

"Two years".

"Right. Aima just went in recently". Tauheed mumble, nodding, "You sure you don't know her?" He nodded, "That doesn't mean that I allow your presence around her. I don't want you near her. She has suffered enough and I am not compromising on her future".

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