44.4:"Fighting their ways".

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Two updates in a day ;).

Make sure you read the chapter before this one.


She prepares herself for the day with determination of not falling because of her past. It is true. The burden of the past, regrets, mistakes and more if not let gone on the right time, they will drag one down. She had let herself be consume by darkness because for the moment she started to like those dark thoughts and moments.

She was afraid of light (hope).

Because people usually scares one by saying all the bad things that will happen and guarantees it too. No one guarantees that one can be strong to fight them off. While she was growing her grandmother used to come around forcefully at times and warn them about how dark their future will be especially with a stepmother.

She took them to her heart.

While growing she started to only look at the bad things that happened to her while the good one she ignored. She choose to believe that the society was right that the bad things will follow them because their mother was a sinner.

And girls have the same history like their mother.

It was either the runaway mother or the sexually abused stepmother for them. They all said that the same will happen to them some day.

It is the most absurd and harsh thing to ever say to anyone. One, someone else trauma isn't something to talk about in such disrespectful way. Two, to make someone have trauma isn't the right thing to do. Three, speaking to children about their parents in such a way is insulting and degrading.

She never understood how people cannot think before they speak and simply speak because they want to do so. No one has a right over any individual and to speak about them at all. That is something one needs to learn because that is the thing that is causing problems. Because everyone has something to say about other people lives is the reason that there are so many unhappy souls.

She went outside after a bowl of soup to make herself as healthy as possible so she can work on getting the second deal today.

She met him in the car as they started their way to their destination.

"I would love to see these once". She said sighing as she leans on the window looking at the beautiful sight

"You might". He said softly watching her smiling watching the tree passing by making him smile,"I have to discuss the plan after the meeting. How about we go to the cafe?".

"Boring". She said distasteful, "How about some burger joint?. I want to eat burger".

"I thought you were sick". He stated blankly

"That's what you thought. I am as healthy as a newborn baby". She said grinning and he fights to keep a blank face but fails

He is failing at many things these days.

He needs checkup. Maybe he has her virus inside of her.

"Are you contagious?". He asked making her still as she gives him the weird look,"Forget what I said".

"I think you have lost your mind". She commented looking at her phone,"Oh! It's Zakir".

"Zakir, who?". He asked instantly regretting it right that moment because he looks desperate, "I mean I never heard that name before".

She turns to look at him,"How would you hear his name when you don't even know me?".

He rolls his eyes sulking as he sits back on his seat looking outside, "And this Zakira knows?".

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