55.4:"The truth tree no one can lie under".

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"She is your Queen". He declared as he stands in front of his council, "I will introduce her to everyone tomorrow".

He heard uproar as he shouted, "Order".

"We cannot accept a rebellion as our Queen".

His eyes narrow at his council member as he spoke, "Who said you have a choice?"


"Who I want to spend my life with and who I want to make my Queen has nothing to do with everyone present here". He said, as he steps down, standing in front of the old man, "You are here to help me with my empire affairs and the moment I find that you have done any harm to my people or commit forgery/sin". He steps closer as his tall built give him the leverage over the man, "I will kill you in front of everyone as an example as to what happens to the people who go against their King".

Her eyes narrow at the fabric over fabrics in front of her. She doesn't understand why there are so many layers and why does she have to wear this trash? She is good in her clothes. She looks at her current wear which is a man suit, torn from few place, stitched from other and she looks at the dress in front of her which screams beautiful.

She shakes her head from that awful thought. She will wear whatever she wants to wear.

She heard the announcement outside the door about his mother and a few others she didn't know about. The door banged open as the women walk into his chamber as they own it.

They look at her from top to bottom and she didn't feel embarrassed. This is truly her. Why will she ever be embarrassed?

"Can I help you if you are done judging?" She asked, crossing her hand over her chest

"How can you shamelessly marry someone like this?" His mother screamed, "He is the King of an empire. What do you think you are?"

"Are you taking this out on me because you can't ask your son about it?" She asked with a mocking laugh, "You must have thought you will come to me, belittle me, insult and everything to make me run away, didn't you?"


She steps closer to his mother, "You are right about something. I am shameless and you know what they say about shameless people". She pauses, smirking, "You should be careful of them because they can do anything without any shame".

She sits on the bed, looking at the fire breathing women.

"He belongs to me". Sherbanu yelled, coming closer to her, "He is mine".

"I don't think so". She said shrugging, "He can't be yours as long as I am alive".

The women marches out of the room and she lies down at the comfortable bed she has never seen.

"Why are you frowning?" She heard his voice as she sits upright, "What? I did something wrong again?"

"Of course you did". She shouted, "What is this trash you send me?"

He raises his eyebrows, looking at the beautiful dress he selected himself.

"That is trash?"

"Of course, it is. I married you, but I am not going to wear this".

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to".

He sighs.

He walks the little distance, sitting on his knees in front of her. He places his hand on her leg as he spoke, "You have to wear them so people recognise you as their Queen".

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